1650983815 Ashley Graham full frontal nude the photo in the mirror

Ashley Graham, full frontal nude: the photo in the mirror that shocks Instagram

Ashley Graham full frontal nude the photo in the mirror

The curvy model most popular with the public Ashley Graham She shows the Instagram followers how mom did it. Or rather, now she’s the mom, and she’s showing the signs that made her so. She has always been at the forefront of showing her body without filters and without deception like other peers do. And this time too, after the birth of her two twins three months ago, Malachi and RomanShe proudly wears the signs of birth and changes on her body. As it should be.

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Here are the photos the model posted:

Ashley posted a roundup of photos where she’s only wearing a couple black panties with one arm busy barely hiding it otherwise and the other to take the selfie. The model proudly displays the Stretch marks on her stomach and does not use a filter to hide her, on the contrary, it needs casual poses to show her off even better. Followers support you in this.

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Photoshop aside, Graham likes herself the way she is and shows it proudly. The model took a break from social media following the birth, which took place on January 7th, but is now returning more actively than ever. Between moments of family life alternating with sexy shots Ashley is back in her twisted “fight.”