quotAt Christmas I received a call from Belenquot Sonia Bruganelli

"At Christmas I received a call from Belen". Sonia Bruganelli denies flirting with Antonino Spinalbese

It is time for change and deep reflection Sonia Bruganelli. This afternoon, Sunday, January 14th, the entrepreneur and her daughter Adele were guests in Silvia Toffanin's living room at Verissimo and reflected on this new phase of her life after the separation from her now ex-husband. Paolo Bonolis. In addition, on this occasion Bruganelli addressed one of the most discussed topics of this last period, the alleged flirtation with Antonino SpinalbeseFather of Luna Marì and ex of Belen Rodriguez, also revealed that he had received a call from the latter.

The new beginning of Sonia Bruganelli

As expected, the entrepreneur is facing a new phase in her life in which she is “rediscovering” her role and living it out more intensively mummy. In fact, Sonia has moved into a new house with her daughter Adele: “I finally moved into my house with Adele,” she revealed to Toffanin. He then added: “I discover and realize that I made these children miss a few things, physical and mental presence for what I was doing, namely mother.” However, Sonia clarified: “None of the three have ever told me that they missed me at some point in their lives, but Now I'm happier from me”.

Marriage and separation of Paolo Bonolis

The end of the marriage to the well-known television presenter allowed Bruganelli to take stock and make some small reflections on how she faced the past, perhaps with too much haste. In a way, says Sonia, in retrospect she could have even been more calm about the matter: “I was a little ahead of my time, it's obvious that I was trying in some way, perhaps even wrongly.” a race with his past (that of Paolo Bonolis ed.), who has this enormous past behind him, me I was unprepared To enter the world of such a popular person, it seemed to me that this family, the children, the ex-girlfriend were so important that I could never keep up, so I wanted to go faster, I found myself like that with a daughter , with these problems, a husband who loved me but who had a job that took up a lot of his time, this race left me breathless.

And again: “Maybe Paolo's mistake was eliminating our age differenceI found that I was facing things alone, not wanting to blame anyone. When my father was finished and he took Paolo's place for a bit, things came to a head and I wanted to take care of this matter. I asked myself a few questions, we faced it calmly and we're living it.” In any case, Bruganelli has no doubts and even if the love between her and Paolo seems to be at an end, the respect will always remain: “Love consists of many Characteristics, We will always love each other very much, but our paths take different paths. We spent Christmas with Paolo's son Stefano, his wife and his child.

The alleged flirtation with Antonino Spinalbese and Belen's reaction

In recent months there have been several debates about the alleged flirtation between Sonia Bruganelli and Antonino Spinalbese; On the other hand, it was they themselves who fueled the gossip by posting several videos and photos of themselves together on social media. However, Bruganelli wanted to clarify in the living room of Canale 5 and denied any relationship with Rodriguez's ex: “I disagree with AntoninoUnfortunately, I could be his mother.

But it didn't stop there, because when Sonia denied the news, she also revealed an unpublished detail: “But and I have to say, I risked being one of Belen's names because that's what she thought, I think,” said she. Then the confession: “I received a call from Belen At Christmas she wanted to know some things, I told her that I met her daughter Luna, a very sweet little girl, because he helped me get to know my son Davide, who plays football here in the team in Milan, some people “. In short, the Argentine showgirl apparently really thought that there could be something tender between Sonia Bruganelli and her ex Antonino Spinalbese.