1693759345 At IAA Police arrest the most daring climate sticker of

At IAA: Police arrest the most daring climate sticker of the “last generation”

Stuttgart/Munich – It is considered Germany’s most daring climate cola. Yannick S. (24) blocked roads, flew on vacation to Southeast Asia and missed court in Stuttgart.

And now this: just two days after he was sentenced to two months in prison by the Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt district court, he blocked another road. Now the fun is over!

Bavarian police initially clamped down on the brazen and chaotic atmosphere.

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Source: Twitter February 3, 2023

Yannick S. is said to have blocked important main streets in Munich with at least twelve other activists. A judge issued a so-called preventive detention against climate stickers. The aim is to prevent them from committing further crimes (e.g. roadblocks) during the IAA car show in Munich (September 5th to 10th).

After this action, Yannick S. flew on vacation to Southeast Asia with his girlfriend Luisa (23).

After this action, Yannick S. flew on vacation to Southeast Asia with his girlfriend Luisa (23).

Photo: Max Kovalenko/Lichtgut

30 days in prison without the possibility of a verdict

A police spokesman: “In connection with the actions, the Munich criminal police are investigating all persons involved, among other things, for coercion, violations of the assembly law and the valid general decree.”

What the judiciary in Baden-Württemberg cannot do, its counterparts in Bavaria can apparently do without any problems. This is possible thanks to the Bavarian Law on Police Duties (Articles 17 and 18). Thus, people can be detained for up to 30 days, even without conviction.

“Last Generation” published this photo of the climate chaos after his arrest in Munich

“Last Generation” published this photo of the climate chaos after his arrest in Munich

Photo: Marlene Charlotte Limburg

It is not yet clear whether and when Yannick S. will have to serve his two-month prison sentence in Baden-Württemberg after September 10th. And if he still has time to go on vacation before then…

Cannstatt district court spokeswoman Mechthild Weinland (57): “When and whether the convicted person should begin the sentence depends on whether the sentence will become final and when the convicted person will be summoned to begin the sentence, if necessary.”

Yannick S. could not be reached by BILD yesterday by telephone from Stadelheim prison.

His colleague Ronja Künkler complains about his lawyer: “The arrests are not the result of a proper judicial process with evidence gathering. Instead, the people involved will soon be brought before a judge.”