At the age of 91 Stenio Garcia performs facial harmonization

At the age of 91, Stenio Garcia performs facial harmonization; Check out the result

1 of 5 Stenio Garcia and Mari Saade photo: reproduction on Instagram Stenio Garcia and Mari Saade photo: reproduction on Instagram

Stenio Garcia and the woman Marilene Saad, they have a new look. The 91yearold actor and his wife, 55, underwent a facial in Sao Paulo on June 1 and today marks the couple’s first day of public appearances.

Stenio focused on the harmonization of the face, but not only on it. According to surgeons and dentists in charge of the measures, Mariana and Camila Avalone, he has made a major overhaul of the look.

See the list: botox application, molar filling, Chinese mustache, jaw, chin, lip and doll (wrinkle starting from the corner of the mouth to the chin).

Stênio Garcia takes care of the harmonization and filling of the face

Finally, the veteran also had his eyebrows micropigmented. “I have high selfesteem!” he assured.

Marilene, on the other hand, chose to move her nose and chin. “It wasn’t an operation! It was just hyaluronic acid and lasers,” she said.

2 out of 5 Stênio Garcia Photo: Instagram Stênio Garcia Photo: Instagram 3 out of 5 Stenio Garcia also had micropigmentation on her eyebrows Photo: Disclosure Stênio Garcia also had micropigmentation on her eyebrows Photo: Disclosure 4 out of 5 Stênio Garcia before and after Treatment Photo: Disclosure Stênio Garcia before and after treatment Photo: Disclosure 5 of 5 Marilene Saad, Stênio Garcia’s wife, had her chin and nose corrected Photo: Disclosure Marilene Saad, Stênio Garcia’s wife had her chin and nose corrected Corrected Photo : Disclosure