Biden is accused of dozing off during his disastrous five hour

At the end of the joint speech, Biden appeared to leave the UN stage without shaking President Lula’s hand – leaving the Brazilian leader visibly upset – minutes after the president walked through a flag to the podium

As the oldest person ever sworn into the White House, President Joe Biden has faced questions and concerns about his mental and physical performance since taking on one of the world’s most stressful jobs.

But aside from his advanced age, Biden, 79, has worried even his supporters with numerous gaffes throughout his year in office.


“This is the kind of mood swing you exhibited during a Cabinet meeting when you apparently didn’t know your microphone was on after you finished your opening statement, and you responded by calling a White House reporter a ‘stupid motherfucker.’ called “A Question About Inflation,” Jackson claimed.

He was referring to a hot mic moment in late January in which Biden criticized Fox News reporter Peter Doocy, after which the president personally apologized to the journalist.

Biden is also known to have issues with the names of his most senior officials, foreign leaders and even countries.


The president made a mistake during the March 8 speech when he tried to remember Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s name.

“I want to thank Sec-, the former general, I always call him ‘General.'” “My goodness – the guy who runs the company over there,” Biden said, before quickly adding: “I want to make sure that We thank the Secretary for everything he has done.”

During a trip to Texas that same month to visit a vaccination center in the Houston area, Biden apparently lost his train of thought and became confused. He even asked, “What am I doing here?” as he tries to get back on track.

On several occasions, Biden also appeared to refer to Vice President Kamala Harris as “president.” During a commencement speech at South Carolina State University in late December, Biden noted, “Of course, President Harris is a proud Howard alum.”

He recently made the mistake again when he declared that “President Harris and I stood at the United States Capitol” during a voting rights speech on January 11 in Georgia.

Biden has also been known to mix up dates – in May 2021, he recalled traveling on Amtrak to visit his mother during his time as vice president in 2013. But his mother died in 2010.

The obvious problems began long before Biden took the White House. When he was on the campaign trail in September 2020, then-candidate Biden was widely mocked for saying that “200 million people had died of COVID-19” under Donald Trump’s leadership. The number at that time was around 200,000.

And as president, Biden had to correct a statistic regarding COVID-19 vaccinations. During a COVID-19 press conference at the White House, Biden tried to say: “57… sorry… 570… I don’t want to read it, I’m not sure I have the right number…” Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci supported him in calling the number “57 million.”


Joe Biden fell off his bicycle while riding near his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, on June 18 as he and his wife celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary

Joe Biden fell off his bicycle while riding near his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, on June 18 as he and his wife celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary

After the president unexpectedly fell on June 18 while trying to get off his bike to chat with a crowd gathered along a bike path in Rehoboth Beach, there was a sigh of relief

After the president unexpectedly fell on June 18 while trying to get off his bike to chat with a crowd gathered along a bike path in Rehoboth Beach, there was a sigh of relief

Biden took the solo bike ride surrounded by agents on June 18 near his home in Rehoboth Beach

Biden took the solo bike ride surrounded by agents on June 18 near his home in Rehoboth Beach

President Joe Biden later jumped out of the church on June 18 to prove he was uninjured after falling over his bicycle during an early morning ride near his Rehoboth Beach home

President Joe Biden later jumped out of the church on June 18 to prove he was uninjured after falling over his bicycle during an early morning ride near his Rehoboth Beach home

Biden fell off his bicycle while riding near his home in Rehoboth Beach on June 18.

He had come over to say hello to a crowd gathered near the Gordon’s Pond State Park bike path, who shouted “Happy Father’s Day” to the president.

As he tried to get off the bike, his shoes got caught and he fell to the side, leading to a mad scramble by Secret Service and press trying to help him up.

There was a gasp after the fall, which left Biden on the ground for about 10 seconds before he was helped by several Secret Service agents who immediately swarmed the dejected Democrat.

Moments later, Biden delighted in the crowd — he even brought a woman out to meet the first dog, Commander, who was being walked nearby.

Despite the fall, the president did not appear to have suffered any abrasions or cuts from the spilled fluid, and the White House said he did not need to seek medical attention following the incident.

Biden himself told reporters: “I’m fine” after the fall.


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President Joe Biden was reading a quote from his teleprompter during a speech at the White House on Friday when the apparent gaffe occurred

Several people compared Biden to Will Farrell's legendary journalist character Ron Burgundy from the film

Several people compared Biden to Will Farrell’s legendary journalist character Ron Burgundy from the film “Anchorman.”

Republican strategist Greg Price mocked Biden on Twitter after another gaffe in which the president appeared to read instructions from his teleprompter.

“It is noteworthy that the proportion of women who register to vote and vote is consistently higher than the proportion of men who do so.” End of quote. “Repeat that sentence,” the president said during a speech at the White House on Friday.

“Women are not without electoral or political power.”

Price posted the clip on social media and compared it to Will Farrell’s Ron Burgundy being unable to deviate from the script on his teleprompter, despite grammatical errors and obvious mistakes.

Burgundy’s embarrassing verbal incidents on the show are a recurring gag throughout the film.

Price posted a clip of Burgundy’s frustrated news team, suggesting that White House staffers were feeling the same way behind the scenes.

But White House deputy press secretary Emilie Simons disputed Price’s claim that Biden made a mistake.

“No,” Simons wrote, adding that Biden said, “Let me repeat that line.”


Biden repeatedly confused Syria with Libya while discussing ways to cooperate with Russia during a press conference at the G7 summit on June 13, 2021

Biden repeatedly confused Syria with Libya while discussing ways to cooperate with Russia during a press conference at the G7 summit on June 13, 2021

The White House later brushed aside the confusion and confirmed that the president was indeed referring to Syria, the country where Russia and the United States have been embroiled in a civil war for a decade

The White House later brushed aside the confusion and confirmed that the president was indeed referring to Syria, the country where Russia and the United States have been embroiled in a civil war for a decade

Biden repeatedly confused Syria with Libya while discussing ways to cooperate with Russia during a press conference at the G7 summit on June 13, 2021.

The 78-year-old gaffe spoke of working with Russian President Vladimir Putin to provide economic aid to the Libyan people, drawing some puzzled looks from the press at the G7 summit in Cornwall, England.

“I hope that we can find a solution that will allow us to save the lives of people in – for example, in – in Libya,” the president said, mentioning for the third time the North African country instead of Syria, which is capable Middle East. The White House later brushed aside the confusion and confirmed that the president was indeed referring to Syria, the country where Russia and the United States have been embroiled in a civil war for a decade.

Stumbling while climbing the stairs on Air Force One

On March 19, Biden was captured on video stumbling up the stairs as he boarded Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews.

In the clip, Biden stumbles as he climbs the stairs. He clings to the railing to keep his balance, but then loses his footing two more times.

On the third stumble he falls to his knees. However, after wiping his leg, he reaches the top of the plane and salutes before disappearing inside.

White House deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre later told reporters that Biden was “100 percent fine” and was preparing for his trip in Atlanta.

“It’s pretty windy outside.” It’s very windy. “I almost fell myself climbing the steps,” she said.

On March 19, he was caught stumbling up the stairs as he boarded Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews Biden stumbles as he jumps up the stairs of Air Force One

On March 19, he was caught stumbling up the stairs as he boarded Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews

Just a day earlier, during a press conference on March 18 (pictured), he referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as

Just a day earlier, during a press conference on March 18 (pictured), he referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as “President Harris.”

Just a day earlier, Biden accidentally referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as “President Harris.”

The gaffe occurred during a March 18 press conference where he praised his government for moving close to its goal of 100 million COVID-19 vaccine doses in his first 100 days in office.

“Not long ago, when President Harris and I took a virtual tour of a vaccination center in Arizona, one of the nurses giving injections and vaccinations to people on that tour said that each vaccination was like giving a dose of hope,” said Biden.

Harris stood behind Biden as the president continued his speech but did not correct himself.

Later that day, when the White House released the transcript of his speech, Harris’s real title was included in parentheses.

In a speech on March 9 (pictured), Biden appeared to fumble with his words and forget the name of his Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin

In a speech on March 9 (pictured), Biden appeared to fumble with his words and forget the name of his Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin

In a speech on March 9, Biden appeared to fumble with his words and forget the name of his Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin.

“I want to thank Sec – the former general – I always call him ‘general,'” Biden said.

“My goodness – the guy who runs the company over there.” I want to make sure that we thank the minister for everything he’s done to try to implement what we’ve just talked about and for that recommended these two women for promotion.” The gaffe occurred even though he had easily mentioned Austin’s name in his speech just minutes earlier.

During an Election Day speech in Philadelphia, Biden stumbled over his words and confused his granddaughter with his late son, Beau Biden.

Biden told the crowd, “I want to introduce you to two of my granddaughters…this is my son, Beau Biden, who many of you helped get elected to the Senate in Delaware.”

The commander-in-chief had intended to introduce the crowd to Natalie, Beau’s daughter, but mixed up not only the name but also the person – he also put his arm around Finnegan Biden, Hunter’s daughter.

He finally corrected himself as he put his arm around Natalie’s shoulder and said, “This is Natalie, this is Beau’s daughter.”

Beau Biden died in 2015 after a months-long battle with glioblastoma, one of the deadliest types of brain cancer.

Told the state senator in the wheelchair to get up

In 2008, Biden asked then-Missouri state Sen. Chuck Graham to address the crowd at a rally before realizing he was in a wheelchair

Not all of Biden’s blunders occurred in the 2020s or even 2010s. In fact, a lot of things happened in the early hours of the morning.

In September 2008, after Biden was named former President Barack Obama’s running mate, he attended a campaign rally in Missouri.

There he visited then-Missouri State Senator Chuck Graham, who died last year. stand up for the crowd.

“I was told that state senator Chuck Graham is here.” “Stand up, Chuck, let them see you,” Biden said.

That’s when he realized Graham was in a wheelchair due to muscular dystrophy.

“Oh, God loves you.” What am I talking about? I’ll tell you what, but you make everyone else stand up, buddy.’

According to the Columbia Tribune, Graham said he was never offended by the mistake.