Atheist claims to have seen Hitler and Jesus during near.350

Atheist claims to have seen Hitler and Jesus during near death experience in hell oe24

A man who died briefly relates that he went to Hell and met some strange characters there.

A man named Bryan Melvin claims that after his death he visited Hell and saw Hitler and Jesus. Before his death, Melvin was a staunch atheist, but after his near-death experience he converted to Christianity.

I met Jesus

He described first hovering over his own body near the ceiling and then rising into a light from which he heard “beautiful, deep music”. After that he met Jesus who told him he didn’t deserve heaven and sent him to hell.

Everything around him looked dead and several people he knew greeted him before turning into crocodile-eyed people. There he also met Hitler, who was burned in a red-hot furnace.

Science can explain the phenomenon

Melvin is not alone in reporting these phenomena. A priest who died and rose again also claimed to have visited hell and heard demons singing Rihanna songs to torment people’s souls.

However, scientists argue that near-death experiences can be explained scientifically, not supernaturally. The light at the end of the tunnel is thought to be a result of declining oxygen levels in the retina.