Atlantis the Pecorelli murder tonight Wednesday March 22 dellUmbria

Atlantis, the Pecorelli murder tonight Wednesday March 22 dell’Umbria

Atlantison TV tonight, Wednesday March 22nd A7 the program investigation of Andrew Purgatori. The focus of the transmission is the murder of the journalist Mino Pecorelli, which took place on March 20, 1979. A hitman killed him with four shots, one in the face and three in the back. Pecorelli was the keeper of the truths of some of the mysteries and secrets of the First Republic. A former head of the press office of DC Minister Fiorentino Sullo, he founded L’Osservatore Politico (known as OP), a press agency that dealt with politics, scandals and indiscretions.

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One of his most important investigations is the scandal Italpetrolthe case lockheed it is the case Sindona, as well as several burning investigations into Freemasonry’s infiltration into the upper echelons of the Vatican State. His main goal, however, was Giulio Andreotti. He therefore touched all those in power and paid with his life. 44 years later, it is still unclear who killed him and why.

Also read: Upstream, on TV tonight, Wednesday March 22, on Rete 4. The previews

Atlantis covers the case with an exclusive interview with Rosita Pecorelli, the journalist’s sister. The woman revealed that her brother had given Pope Luciani the list of unbelieving prelates. And that same night the Pope died. An animated film will be shown during the broadcast Mauro Biani.

Also read: The television of the 100 and Uno, tonight, Wednesday March 22, on Canale 5. The guests