Attack in France stabbed six children The attacker filmed with

Attack in France, stabbed six children. The attacker filmed with the knife in his hand [video] Italian agency

AGI – France in shock and unanimous condemnationAttack with white weapons posted in a park near Lake Annecyin Haute-Savoie, by a young man Syrians that has Four children and two adults were injured; In Two risk their lives.

According to the latest estimates, among the injured are a little brother and sister, aged 2 and 3, both in dire need, who have been transferred to a hospital in Geneva, in neighboring Switzerland. The two other injured children are 22 months and 2 years old and allegedly have German and British nationality. The two injured adults are two men, one of whom is 78 years old.

According to the local newspaper “Dauphine Libere”, at least 37 witnesses to the knife attack are in a “state of mental shock”.

Videos of the attacker Abdalmasih H., 31, are already circulating in the French media. He is already married to a Swede, father of a three-year-old girl and has lived in Sweden for a decade. Footage shows him wearing shorts and a long-sleeved black T-shirt, a turban on his head and glasses walking through the park where the attack took place.

With the knife in his hand, he chases people to attack. According to eyewitnesses, he is said to have “pounced on grandmothers, grandfathers and small children in prams” and thus targeted them. In one video in particular, the attacker can be seen entering a playground, approaching a mother with a stroller, and then stabbing the child several times amid the woman’s desperate screams.

Former Liverpool footballer Anthony Le Tallec, who was present at the scene of the accident, testified on his Instagram account: “I was walking along the lake when I saw dozens of people running at me. A lady told me that a man stabbed children.” .”

Le Tallec said he “saw the attacker running 5-10 meters behind him with the police officers who couldn’t catch him. He came towards me, I walked away and I saw that he ran straight towards a grandfather and stabbed him.” The attacker was arrested minutes after he reported to the police, who, according to consistent sources, then identified himself as a “Christian from Syria”, showing the cross he was carrying.

Footage and photos also show the presence of a second man chasing the attacker, but whose identity has not yet been confirmed.

Who is the attacker?

Born in October 1991, theThe attacker was not known to the police French. I had filed an application for asylum transmitted to the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (Ofpra) on November 28, 2022 according to the normal procedure. Now he understands Refugee status in Swedenwhere he lives since 2013.

The broadcaster BfmTv obtained the testimony of the attacker’s ex-wife, who had not heard from him for four months. He told French media that he met Abdalmasih H. in Turkey five years ago. The latter came from Hassake in Syria, a town that was home to a large Christian community until 2011 but has since been plagued by violent conflict.

The couple, who settled in Trollhättan, had a Swedish-born daughter who is now 3 years old; Both attended distance learning courses to become a nurse. The two broke up about eight months ago, but the woman hasn’t heard from her ex for about four months. He has decided to stay in Sweden, where he has a job and a home, and has described his ex-partner as a “kind” man who took care of their little girl.

Macron denounces an “absolute attack of cowardice”.

Unanimous condemnation of French institutions and political forces with immediate political use of aggression. “Attack of absolute cowardice this morning in a park in Annecy. Children and an adult stand between life and death. The nation is in shock. Our thoughts are with them, their families and the mobilized emergency services,” President Emmanuel Macron tweeted.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne and Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmani arrived in Annecy for a press conference in the prefecture and met with the President of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, Laurent Wauquiez, and the Annecy Public Prosecutor, Line Bonnet.

“Children were victims of a knife attack in a park in Annecy. Once again, our children are the target of increasing violence in our society,” Charlotte Caubel, Secretary of State for Children, condemned, stressing that “this act cannot go unpunished”.

The Haute-Savoie prefecture called on Twitter to “avoid the area” and “not to impede the intervention of the authorities”.

Annecy Mayor Francois Astorg denounced a “terrible attack” and urged residents or people close to “avoid the Paquier neighborhood so as not to hamper the smooth running of operations”. For the President of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Council, Wauquiez, “the abomination has reached its peak.”

“Congratulations to our police officers for the bravery they showed in arresting the assailant,” Wauquiez continued. The Paris City Council observed a minute’s silence at the request of the mayor of the capital, Anne Hidalgo, “in solidarity with the victims, their families and the city of Annecy”. The President of Les Re’publicains (LR), E’ric Ciotti, expressed his “deep emotion” and “great anger”.

On the far right, the leader of “Reconquete”, Eric Zemmour, spoke of “Francocides” and attacks on the Elysée Palace, the government and some French political forces. “They will try to blame you for your anger. They will treat us as exploiters. You will create distraction again. They are the ones putting us in danger,” he wrote on Twitter. Addressing the French, Zemmour stressed: “You have every right to oppose the demise of our country. You have every right to be angry and to reject these Francocides.”

The statements by the leader of the “Renaissance” group, Macron’s party, were not lacking in controversy from the opposition. Aurore Bergé has been accused of “exploiting” the tragedy after she called for “a sense of humanity” to take precedence over debates in Parliament on pension reform.

“The fact that we are in the Chamber with a kind of wild battle over the admissibility of the amendments seems to us to be completely at odds with the terror that I believe oppresses our country,” Berge told French media. “Absolutely hateful exploitation. Dignity is clearly incompatible with Macronism,” responded Manuel Bompard, coordinator of i’La France Insoumise (LFI), on Twitter.

“The barbaric act against the children of Annecy dates back less than two hours and Macronists used it against the Liot pension reform bill,” deplored Rassemblement National (RN, far right) MP Philippe Ballard .