1668416179 Attack in Istanbul The assassin has Syrian nationality

Attack in Istanbul: The assassin has Syrian nationality

The woman behind the attack in Istanbul, which killed at least six people and wounded 81, is a Syrian national. 22 people were arrested.

After the tragedy, drop the investigation. The bomber of the attack in Istanbul, which killed six people and wounded 81, is a Syrian national, Turkey said on Monday. According to police, she admitted acting on behalf of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and receiving instructions in Kobani, northeastern Syria.

Already on Sunday evening, Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay said that in all likelihood “a woman” detonated “the bomb” and caused an explosion in the busy Istiklal shopping street.

“We consider this a terrorist attack,” he had indicated, before stating that he wanted to “find whoever is behind this attack, whoever it is, even if it goes to the other end of the world.”

Attack in Istanbul The assassin has Syrian nationality

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was the first to denounce a “disgusting attack” live on television: “The first observations point to a terrorist attack,” said the head of state, adding that “a woman would be involved”.