Attack on Capitol Hill, Trump is eligible for the Supreme Court

The US Supreme Court confirms Donald Trump's eligibility in Colorado, one of the 15 states that will vote on Super Tuesday tomorrow.

The justices upheld the former president's appeal of the state Supreme Court's decision to ban him for his role in the storming of Capitol Hill under the 14th Amendment, which prohibits officers involved in insurrection against the Constitution, to hold public office. The ruling will also serve as a precedent for all other appeals pending in other states.

The document also states that the Supreme Court, where there is a majority of six conservative justices against three progressive justices, unanimously ruled on Donald Trump's eligibility in Colorado.

The tycoon's eligibility was challenged by a bipartisan group of six voters, four Republicans and two independents, and the Colorado Supreme Court ruled in his favor on December 19. The decision had been put on hold pending appeal and Trump's name was already printed on the ballot. Maine and Illinois had also barred Trump from voting under the 14th Amendment, but now must submit to the ruling of the nine wise men.

The Supreme Court must soon resolve another issue, namely presidential immunity, which The Donald invoked in his federal trial over attempts to undermine the 2020 vote that culminated in the attack on the Capitol.

Trump celebrates: “A great victory for America”

“A great victory for America”: said Donald Trump after the Supreme Court's decision on his eligibility in Colorado.

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