Attacks in Israel Clementine Autain recognizes that LFI can be

Attacks in Israel: Clémentine Autain recognizes that LFI can be held responsible "clumsiness"

“How can we seriously believe, suggest or say that LFI supports Hamas, a movement that defends political Islam and calls for the destruction of the State of Israel?” asks the MP for Seine-Saint-Denis in an interview for Libération .

Should we view this as distancing ourselves from one of the rebellious “rebels”? MP Clémentine Autain says in an interview published on Monday by Libération that she “understands that we are pointing to a lack of clarity here, errors there” from La France insoumise after the Hamas attacks against Israel.

“Words are important”

His training is controversial. It’s about a press release published on Saturday in which, in the introductory paragraph, it highlights “a context of intensifying Israeli occupation policy” – and thus seemingly places the two camps directly next to each other – without decisively and explicitly condemning the Hamas offensive. Also, do not mention its terrorist nature.

“Words are important,” emphasizes Clémentine Autain. But “how can we believe, suggest or seriously say that LFI supports Hamas, a movement that defends political Islam and calls for the destruction of the State of Israel?” asks the parliamentarian from Seine-Saint-Denis.

Within the LFI, several elected officials have differed from the position advocated by the movement. François Ruffin testified his “total condemnation of the Hamas attack” and, in passing, received the support of another figure of the rebel formation: Alexis Corbière, who, like the deputy of the Somme and Clémentine Autain, did not remain in the leadership of the movement last December, which led to an internal crisis.

“Hamas has chosen terror”

As for Hamas, Clémentine Autain prefers to remember “the words of Manuel Bompard” after the coordinator of La France insoumise spoke on France 2 this Monday. The Bouches-du-Rhône deputy changed tone but maintained the line of his training. In doing so, he expressed his “total” “condemnation” of the “war crimes” committed by Hamas, before doing the same with those that “the Israeli state has been committing against the Palestinians for years.”

For her part, Clémentine Autain judges that “Hamas has chosen terror.”

“I have always stood on the side of Palestinians who are denied justice, dignity and self-determination. But I know that the end must never justify the means,” she explained in Libération.

“Bring a common voice”

The rebels are on alert in view of the impending threat of collapse over the Nupes. Because the LFI has not only drawn the wrath of its political opponents, but also the wrath of part of the left and especially the socialists. In the front row was the first secretary of the party with the rose fist, Olivier Faure, and his deputy colleague Jérôme Guedj. The first pointed out that these positions would leave a “mark”, while the second judged that the future of his formation in the Left coalition was “questionable”.

The intergroup meeting this Tuesday promises. In the meantime, Clémentine Autain calls on her camp to “collectively be up to date.” Certainly the “Israeli-Palestinian conflict has long been the subject of passion and disunity on the left,” but we “must find the thread of emancipatory reason to find as much as possible a common voice,” argues the 50-year-old elected official.

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