Australia Prime Minister Admits Wearing Nazi Uniform

Australia: Prime Minister Admits Wearing Nazi Uniform

New South Wales Conservative leader Dominic Perrottet confesses this Thursday that he regrets that youthful mistake.

The Prime Minister of the state of New South Wales, Australia, confessed to wearing a Nazi uniform during his 21st birthday celebration on Thursday January 12 and said he was “deeply mortified”.

Dominic Perrottet, chief of the country’s most populous state, said a colleague called him two days earlier to urge him to recognize this “terrible decision”.

A mistake that haunted him throughout his life

“I wore a Nazi uniform” at a costume party for his 21st birthday, he announced to the media. “I am deeply ashamed of what I have done and truly sorry for the hurt and pain this has caused to the people of our state and particularly to members of the Jewish community, Holocaust survivors, veterans and their families will inflict,” he added.

Dominique Perrottet, a 40-year-old Conservative leader, said he was unaware of the significance of his act at the time and the decision had “scared a lot” for him throughout his life.

He said he didn’t know of any photos of him in that Nazi uniform because of local elections in March.

reaction of the Jewish community

“Nazi symbolism is not to be taken lightly and dressing up as a Nazi is no joke,” responded the association, which represents the country’s Jewish community.

“This incident, anytime, is a reminder that we must continually educate all Australians, and especially our young people, about the deplorable nature of the Nazi regime,” she added in a statement.

SEE ALSO – Uniforms, symbols… Nazi objects found on suspected pedophile in Brazil