Austria does not have very good relations with Selensky

Austria does not have very good relations with Selensky

Wolfgang Sobotka should simply do what he can: include Volodymyr Zelensky in the Austrian parliament.

Actually, he is a man of the big stage – from the concert hall to the U-committee. And Volodymyr Zelensky would also offer Wolfgang Sobotka – as the host chairman of the National Council – a very large stage. That’s another reason why it’s a little surprising that Sobotka is so hesitant now. And it refers to the customs of the National Council or hides behind them, according to which such an invitation from the President of Ukraine to appear in the National Council of Austria may / should be issued only with the consent of all the parties represented there.

A special session would be scheduled for next week. But if the FPÖ doesn’t want to, nothing will happen. The SPÖ didn’t want to at first either, but now he said he would like to again – and it’s referring to the national president. He could decide this himself.

Then Wolfgang Sobotka should do it. Most likely, even Armin Thurnher would not have interpreted this as a conceited, presumptuous act. ‘Slava Ukrajini’ might then have been said by Sobotka, as would US Parliament President Nancy Pelosi and others, so that we would forget about this not-so-glorious chapter of Austrian parliamentarism.

In parliaments in which Zelenskiy has spoken so far, he addressed each nation individually. For the Germans, there was a wall, for the Americans, Pearl Harbor, for the British, Winston Churchill. Certainly with critical undertones. With us, neutrality would be perfect. If you let him speak.