Austria helps the suffering Palestinian civilian population

€5 million for the ICRC and the United Nations World Food Program

Vienna (OTS) – Since the start of the war in Gaza, triggered by the brutal terrorist attacks by Hamas in October 2023, there has been a dramatic deterioration in the living conditions of the civilian population, and there is even a threat of an acute hunger crisis . It is even more important that we help the suffering Palestinian civilian population quickly and without bureaucracy: we are providing an additional five million euros to support the vital work of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the United Nations World Food Programme. (PMA). In this way, we ensure that Austria's aid actually benefits the population of Gaza and is not diverted or misused by the terrorist organization Hamas or other terrorist organizations.

The majority of Gaza's population currently depends on aid deliveries and we are working demonstrably with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the United Nations World Food Program (WFP). These organizations continue to have access to the Gaza Strip and can help directly on the ground, despite extremely difficult conditions. Of the five million euros, three million euros will go to the ICRC and two million euros to the WFP.

“I am deeply affected by the situation in Gaza. The terrorist organization Hamas has ruled the narrow coastal strip with an iron fist since coming to power in 2007 and has done nothing to improve the situation of the civilian population. The immediate release of all remaining Hamas hostages remains the top priority. “Furthermore, more humanitarian aid must urgently reach the people of Gaza – the civilian population needs our support and we are helping,” said Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, emphasizing the urgency of helping the people of Gaza.

These funds are used, for example, to provide basic (emergency) health services. At the same time, access to basic supplies of water, food, blankets and household equipment can be guaranteed.

Since the start of the Hamas terror, Austria has contributed 13 million euros to support the region's civilian population. In addition to the five million euros announced today by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), two million euros were made available from this pot at the beginning of November. Another six million euros comes from the Foreign Disaster Fund (AKF), which is located in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Austria's central humanitarian aid instrument.

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