Austria ready for EU wallet thanks to ID Austria

The EU Parliament decides: The digital wallet will reach all member states by 2026; Austria is ahead with ID-Austria and e-ID app

Vienna (OTS) – The EU wallet is becoming a reality: on Thursday, members of the European Parliament approved the legal act for the European digital wallet, the eIDAS reform, with a large majority. All EU member states must make the digital wallet available to their citizens by autumn 2026.

“We welcome the decision at European level. Now is the time for many member states to implement it. Austria is taking a pioneering role with ID-Austria and the eID application. Essentially, ID-Austria already meets all the requirements for use as an EU wallet. The highest Austrian and European security and data protection standards are met. This is why ID-Austria has been recognized by the EU as the most secure mobile solution”, said State Secretary for Digitalization and Telecommunications, Florian Tursky.

Thanks to the eIDAS notification completed in 2022, ID-Austria already enjoys EU-wide recognition. This simplifies and protects the processing of cross-border online transactions and contact with authorities – both for ID-Austria holders in other EU countries and for users of solutions from other EU states in Austria.

The “eID” application with the digital driving license, digital registration certificate and digital proof of age lays the foundation for identification and proof in the Austrian implementation of the EU card. Parliament's decision has now set the course for the recognition of these documents across the EU.

“By 2026, all EU member states will be required to provide a wallet for their digital ID cards. The digital driving license will be the first identification card recognized across Europe. With our preparations, we have already taken on a pioneering role and guaranteed that the Austrian digital driving license will be valid throughout Europe from autumn 2026”, concluded State Secretary Florian Tursky.

More information can be found here:

Questions and contact:

Ing. Michael Tögel, BA
Press Secretary to the Secretary of State
Office of the Secretary of State Florian Turky, MSc. MBA.
+43 664 8581576
[email protected]

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