Austria wants to receive 2000 Ukrainian refugees from Moldova

Austria wants to receive 2,000 Ukrainian refugees from Moldova

Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP) visited the capital Chisinau on Friday and met with his counterpart Nicu Popescu: “We did not come empty-handed,” said Schallenberg. Austria will provide five million euros to help refugees in the country this year. Austria has also offered Moldova to take in up to 2,000 refugees. “You are not alone and you can count on our solidarity,” Schallenberg stressed at a joint press conference.

russian separatists

“The leadership in Moscow does not only focus its eyes on Ukraine. She is also turning her eyes to other countries like Moldova,” she warned. Like her counterparts in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, she clearly recognized the territorial integrity of the former Soviet republic and emphasized her support on the way to the EU.