Authoritarian regimes are doing well, democracies far worse


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War between Ukraine and Russia. For the philosopher Miriam Revo d’Allon, democracy was never obvious, and today it is even less obvious. The invasion of Ukraine invites us to re-evaluate its cost.

It was only the invasion of Ukraine and the existence of a war in Europe that led the President of the Republic to openly admit in his televised speech on March 2 that the democracy that “defied before our very eyes” is no longer considered an “irrefutable regime.” . We could not put it better, even if the observation is belated: democracy has never been obvious, and today it is even less obvious. Coups d’état are multiplying in the world and authoritarian regimes are constantly multiplying, to such an extent that one can speak of “autocratic virality.” A total of 60 countries experienced a decline in civil liberties during 2021, and currently only about 20% of humanity lives in countries where they are respected. Authoritarian regimes succeed, but democracies far worse.

That’s not all. Within the democracies themselves, the idea has spread that an effective political system based on the authority of a strong executive or on the experience of technocrats is better than liberal democracy’s procrastination, its broken promises, its endless chatter and procrastination. systems of checks and balances that impede decision making. In this regard, the vision of the world offered by macronism is hardly…