Following Russian bombings, authorities in the Kherson region in southern Ukraine appealed to families with children to flee. The evacuation order affects around two dozen communities and the city of Beryslav, on the Dnipro River, the regional administration announced yesterday on Telegram. The message does not say how many people will be affected by this. So far, only 450 children and their families have followed an official call in mid-September to seek safety.
Due to the refusals, coercive measures are now necessary, it was said. The regulation became necessary due to the almost daily artillery bombardment and intensive use of glide bombs by the Russian Air Force against targets on the Ukrainian-controlled bank of the Dnipro. Civilians were repeatedly killed and injured.
Ukraine has been resisting a Russian invasion for nearly 20 months. The Dnipro River has been the front line between the Ukrainian and Russian military in the Kherson region for almost a year. Ukrainian units regularly cross the river and pursue Russian occupation troops on the opposite side.