Awkward television moment Randy Alonso is made up during the

Awkward television moment: Randy Alonso is made up during the broadcast of the round table on drugs in Cuba

The Cuban journalist and presenter, Randy Alonso Falconappeared on television screens and was retouched by a makeup artist during the broadcast of a round table around Drugs in Cuba.

An error in the control table of the studies Cuban televisioncaused the camera focused on the presenter to activate while retouching Randy’s makeup, taking advantage of the break provided by the broadcast of the recorded footage.

Although it is common to use commercial breaks or cuts to refresh the mix of presenters and guests in live broadcasts, it is unusual for errors to occur that result in the set going “on air” unexpectedly at times like these .

And that is exactly what happened this Tuesday, November 28th, a day that will go down in the history of the revolutionary small screen, with the image of Randy Alonso being treated by a make-up artist who is powdering his head with her brushes and a certain facial expression evokes joy in the presenter.

Apparently the head of the Round Table noticed some glare from the spotlights on Randy’s bald head and took advantage of the lull in the broadcast of the pre-recorded material to send the makeup artist to powder his head to soften the glare.

However, a “puncture” at the control table activated the camera, which focused on the presenter at the exact moment he was being rubbed with makeup brushes. Completely unprepared, the presenter’s face was one of absolute smugness.

For at least three seconds, the journalist was seen with his eyes closed and a half-smile on his face while a young woman applied makeup to his bald head with a thick brush.

“The CIA cameraman is doing it again,” the activist said Edmundo Dantes Junior on Facebook, where he shared a clip of what happened. The comments on its publication did not take long to arrive.

“It seems like pointless work. There is no makeup that works”; “If they put makeup on it and it comes out like that, I don’t want to see it when it’s time to get up”; “You have to plaster it with 350 cement,” some said.

“Plp, they are smearing all of Colombia in this bare spot”; “What a waste of makeup! “Let him use drugs, the effect will definitely be better!” said others, relating the scene to the theme of the show.

“Randy’s face as they hand him the brush is a poem… It reflects like ten types of simultaneous orgasms,” concluded one user, paying close attention to the journalist’s expression while his bald head was covered in squirrel hair. Or would it be pony hair… or goat hair?