1703410584 Ayatollah Khamenei The usurping Zionist regime will be eradicated –

Ayatollah Khamenei: The usurping Zionist regime will be eradicated – Press TV

Islamic Revolution leader Ayatollah Khamenei says the Palestinian people will triumph and Israel will be eradicated, praising the people of Gaza and their fighters for standing “like a rock” against Israeli invaders.

“With God's help, the righteous front will undoubtedly prevail and the usurping Zionist regime will be eradicated, and we hope that you, the youth, will see this secure future with your own eyes,” he said during a meeting with a group of visitors from the Kerman and Khuzestan provinces in Tehran on Saturday.

The leader addressed the events in the besieged Gaza Strip over the past two and a half months, describing them as “a unique and extraordinary phenomenon in the recent history of the Islamic world, the likes of which we have not experienced in recent history,” perhaps in the last century “.

“This incident is unique in two ways. From the perspective of the Zionist regime, it is unique because this kind of brutality, criminality and bloodlust has never been seen in the period I mentioned,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

“This kind of killing of children, where bunker-busting bombs are thrown at patients in hospitals, this kind of cruelty and evil is unprecedented.”

“On the other side – on the side of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian fighters – this kind of fortitude, patience, resistance and driving the enemy mad has never happened before,” the leader added.

Ayatollah Khamenei said: “The people of Gaza, the fighters of Gaza stood like a rock, like a mountain.” It is an important thing. Without water, food, medicine and fuel, they persevered and didn't give up. It is very important.”

“Not giving up makes them victorious, even if the signs of victory are visible today,” Ayatollah Khamenei added, quoting the Holy Quran which says: “Indeed, Allah is with those who are patient.”

Israel, said the leader, “with all its equipment and equipment remains powerless against the Palestinian fighters, whose equipment can hardly be compared with that of the Zionist regime.”

“The failure of the Zionist regime in this incident is also the failure of the United States, and today no one in the world makes a distinction between the occupation regime and America and England, and everyone knows that they are one and the same,” he added.

The leader said the U.S. veto of several U.N. Security Council resolutions calling for a ceasefire and halting bombings in Gaza was “a shameless act” and “complicity with the Zionist regime, bombing children, women, old men and the sick.” to throw off”. and other defenseless people.”

“The great victory of the Palestinian nation and the Front of the Righteous and Resistance is that they have discredited the West and America and exposed the nature of all their false human rights claims, since Israel was unable to commit so many crimes without America's support to commit.” .

“And today the ugly face of the hideous monsters of America and England has been revealed to all the people of the world, and the nature of the White House and the inner selves of the governments of America and England have been revealed.”

The leader said governments and nations had a duty to support the resistance in every way possible. “Helping the resistance is everyone’s duty, and helping the Zionist regime is a crime and treason,” he said.

Ayatollah Khamenei also expressed regret over the “criminal” support of some Islamic states for the Zionist regime and said Muslim nations would not forget it.

Islamic governments, he said, “have a duty to prevent goods, oil and fuel from reaching the Zionist regime, which denies even water to the people of Gaza.”

“Muslim nations should call on their governments to cut off all ties and aid to Zionist criminals, or, if they are unable to cut ties permanently, at least put pressure on the evil, cruel and bloodthirsty regime by temporarily cutting them off provide.”

Today, the leader said, the conscience of the world has been wounded by Israeli barbarism.

“People in America and Europe are taking to the streets and some politicians as well as university presidents and academics are protesting their governments’ support for the Zionist regime, but despite this some governments continue to support the brutal regime.”

Ayatollah Khamenei The usurping Zionist regime will be eradicated –Ayatollah Khamenei met in Tehran with a group of visitors from Kerman and Khuzestan provinces.

Obligation to participate in elections

Ayatollah Khamenei also said the solution to Iran's problems is elections and warned against certain attempts to discourage people from the ballot box.

“Some people constantly remind people of the country's problems to discourage people, while the solution to the problems is elections, and to solve the problems one should take part in the elections,” he said.

“Elections are the basis of transformation. “Elections prevent dictatorship, chaos and insecurity,” Ayatollah Khamenei added.

Elaborating on the concept of the Islamic Republic, the leader explained that the words “Islamic” and “republic” both have to do with elections.

As Iran faces parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections in about two months, Ayatollah Khamenei said the Iranian people “should be as prepared as possible for these two important elections.”

“One of them is the election of the Assembly of Experts on Leadership, the importance of which lies in the fact that it can, if necessary, select the right leader for the country and, over time, can and should take care of maintaining vital leadership qualifications in the person of the existing leader . The people of Iran, the people of the provinces should pay attention, be careful and hold these elections in the best possible way.

“And as for the election of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, which is very important, according to the constitution, the assembly is the one that sets the course for the future of the country.

“If the country has problems, solving them requires legislation and the careful presence of the Islamic Consultative Assembly. “These two elections should be held with dignity,” the chairman said.

Ayatollah Khamenei said scientists, university professors, seminar leaders, radio and television, journalists, young people and people in their families have a duty to invite others to participate in the elections.

“If participation is weak, Parliament will be weak and a weak Parliament will not have the full capacity to solve the problems.” If we want to solve the problems, we must increase participation; This is everyone's duty. Anyone who wants to solve the country’s problems has come to the right place.”