The episode of the hometowns of The bachelor is unique every season because it’s the only one where things are a little out of the show’s control. After seven episodes of being able to carefully set up environments and choose each person who will enter those environments, The bachelor is forced to film in the homes of strangers and capture the reactions of people who have never been screened by the casting department. Every competitor of The bachelor are hand-picked because they will be good TV, but in Hometowns, The bachelor I have to deal with my families who may look or act like …gasp!-normal people.
The show usually tries to draw storylines from these potentially regular families: Is there any internal rift that can be capitalized on drama? Is someone’s father threatening to protect his daughter too much? Quite often the show is successful in these attempts. But other times, like Monday night, they fail miserably. Susie’s family likes Clayton. Seren’s family likes Clayton. Gabby’s family loves Clayton. He is quite a harmless man with big muscles and a big smile. In house after house, Clayton just laughs and has fun.
Still, the episode builds the drama of the final feud between Clayton and Rachel’s father, who was allegedly rude and mean with each of Rachel’s boyfriends. He apparently offered to beat Rachel’s last boyfriend, prompting Rachel to beg her father to be “civilian” with Clayton.
And then comes the revelation and … everything is fine! Rachel’s father asks if Clayton would like to move if Rachel’s career as a pilot required it, and Clayton says he’s sure. Rachel’s father asks about the strangeness of meeting many women, which leads to Clayton’s most insightful response: He admits that he will inevitably “hurt someone” because of how strong his four relationships are. And once Rachel’s father overcomes his daughter’s unusual nature of falling in love with a TV show, he’s pretty OK with that. He tells Clayton that if he feels good about the relationship at the end of the night, he will shake Clayton’s hand and pat him on the arm as he leaves. And of course, when Clayton leaves, Rachel’s father gives birth, s The bachelor using a slow cadence to play the handshake / tap combination as if you were winning the 3-pointer game.
The drama comes at last: Clayton tells Jesse Palmer before the rose ceremony that he “falls in love with all four of these women, in different qualities,” which is a big problem because I don’t think the show allows for polyamory. When Clayton eliminates Serene at the end of Monday night’s episode, it’s both devastating and a little difficult to understand. Clayton can’t really say why he dumps Serene, and Serene doesn’t understand either. But he needs to get rid of someone.
Clayton’s connections are so smooth and inconspicuous that it’s hard to tell who stands out – positively or negative. Monday night brought us an episode of reality TV, which is somewhat reminiscent of reality. We just watched a man sitting in the living room drinking a reasonable amount of wine and waiting for family time with his father-in-law. It wasn’t much fun because we’ve all been through it. But this normal interlude emphasizes the ridiculous nature of what follows – when reality turns back into reality television and it has to ruin some people’s lives, because those are the rules. I can not wait!
The best solution: Cutesy Signs
This year’s hometown took Clayton to three of the 50 largest cities in the United States – Virginia Beach, Denver and Oklahoma City, as well as Orlando. Now I know what you’re thinking: I have no idea what one of these cities actually looks like. With the exception of replicas of fictional castles in Orlando theme parks, you probably can’t imagine a single building or landmark in Virginia Beach, Denver, Oklahoma City, or Orlando. This does not mean that they are bad places for the millions of people who live there, but it creates a problem for The bachelorwho is desperately looking for memorable places for viewers to linger on. (I will never forget watching a bachelor a beauty session in front of Sunsphere in Knoxville, Tennessee.)
Yes The bachelor he took matters into his own hands. At two of Clayton’s meetings, he explores nature with his potential partners: in Florida, Rachel takes Clayton on a clear-bottom kayak tour, ostensibly to show him the terrifying, uncooperative Florida fauna. (They see a spider – no alligators.) In Denver, Gabby and Clayton go hiking at the foot of the Rockies. And according to fate, both the walks include signs indicating local landmarks dedicated to love. Gabby and Clayton find the “Rock of Proposal” up in the mountains, and Rachel and Clayton row to the “Kissing Tree” in Clermont, Florida, fortunately located just off Valentine’s Beach.
You will notice that both romantic refuges are marked with painted words on wooden boards and that the boards look in pretty good shape. The paint also looks pretty fresh! The Proposal Rock board was seemingly unaffected by the Rocky Mountains winters, and the Kissing Tree board doesn’t look like it spent years surviving the hostile humidity of Florida.
Gabby and Rachel behave as if couples in their hometowns have visited these romantic places for generations. And I guess that’s true, although Google doesn’t show any results for the Denver Offer Scale or the apparently famous Clermont Kissing Tree. (I found this comprehensive list of places that are good for proposals in Colorado that miss Proposal Rock.) Perhaps these hiding places for lovers have remained hidden secrets for romantics, just for bachelor contestants to encounter them during their meetings in their hometown. Either that, or someone on bachelor employees realized that they could invent local landmarks with a love theme with just one trip to Home Depot. If they had made only one board, I wouldn’t have noticed, but they tried three boards.
I hope this becomes new bachelor tradition – I can’t wait for the bachelor to happen next year at the locally famous Makeout Caves of Cincinnati or Handjob Hill in Phoenix.
Best member of the family: Gabby’s grandfather
As well as being the best portrayal of real reality, the Hometowns episode is also a chance for a person connected to bachelor Athlete to catch the short glory for the horns. Will she be a mother drunk with wine? A super-protective father? A brother and sister who clearly believes they Do you deserve the spotlight on reality TV?
On Monday night, the options were small. Valiant efforts were made by Seren’s very handsome brother and Rachel’s husband, but not attracted to her best friend, but I must give the trophy to Gabby’s grandfather. He calls Gabby a “favorite dinbat” and uses the perfect comic time to tell Gabby that he thinks Clayton is “full of shit”! before admitting that he actually likes the man. My favorite part was when he said that if Gabby couldn’t figure out how to make her relationship work, he would chase her after she died – to which Gabby admiringly replied that she would like it if he chased her, regardless from the situation. (Great feeling! I love lovingly chasing my family members after I die!)
Gabby’s humor has made her the best character of the season. I’m in her whole family now.
Best moment: Actually loved Real love
The focus of a relatively calm evening The bachelor comes when Gabby is surprised by her father. She doesn’t expect to see her father because his longtime partner is battling cancer and he reasonably doesn’t want to potentially infect her with COVID, sitting in a room with a man who flies around the world and having fun with different women. But in the middle of Clayton’s meeting with her family, Gabby hears someone making a noise outside, honking the car again and again. This is her father, who is standing on the street holding a series of signs telling Gabby how much he loves her and that he hopes to meet Clayton one day. Apologies to all Bob Dylan fans, but we all know what that means: that famous scene from Real love. You know it!
And I have to say, thank you, The bachelorto actually rotate Real love a scene in something meaningful. For some reason, our culture has neglected the actual plot of Real love and turned this scene into an iconic declaration of love. This is understandable, since the “plot” of Real love is about a dozen, mostly sad stories about Britons dealing with difficult relationships at Christmas. (The “lucky ones” include a man proposing marriage to a maid who does not speak the same language as him and the British prime minister provoking an international conflict with the United States because he is aroused by his assistant.) This is the story here. is about future zombie hunter Rick Grimes, who is obsessed with the wife of his best friend, played by Keira Knightley. It got to the point where he was no longer dating his best friend because he couldn’t be around her. Instead, he sits at home crying and annoyed by a haunting home video he made of Keira at their wedding. (Okay, the last part is a guess, but the movie gives you a lot of reasons for that.) Then, in the supposedly romantic scene in question, he takes his obsession to the next level and shows up at her house on Christmas Eve to confess his love. . The signs are to keep quiet because he doesn’t want his best friend to know that he is currently declaring his love for his wife. Pretty bad!
The bachelor replica though? It’s really sweet. Emotions rise when Gabby cries at the sight of her father as he balances his love for his daughter and his victim to keep his partner safe. And the moment is completely devoid of any harsh feelings that one may have about something like – for example – a friend cheating on another friend’s wife.
Rick Grimes’s famous posters say that at Christmas you tell people the truth. But this is rarely the case The bachelor, a show in which people claim to be in love before parting right after the end of the season. However, this segment with Gabby and her father was something that is rarely seen in this show: Love! In fact!