Bachmut Wagners boss denies the Kremlin Moscows army is on

Bachmut, Wagner’s boss, denies the Kremlin: “Moscow’s army is on the run.” Kiev in counter offensive: “200 Russian soldiers killed”

According to the leader of the Wagner Group mercenaries, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the Russian army is said to be “on the run” in Bakhmut. “What Igor Konashenkov – spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry – said is called flight, not regrouping.” TV show: “Russian troops were pushed back to a minimum.” Distance between 250 meters and 1.5 km, therefore we can say that our defensive operation continues to be successful and achieves one of its main goals: to weaken the enemy’s combat capability, to bleed him dry .”

According to Cherevaty, the Ukrainian army fought 40 firefights in the past day alone, in which 199 Russian soldiers were killed, 244 injured and 15 captured. Five Russian field ammunition depots near Bakhmut were also destroyed in the clashes. “There are signs of the exhaustion of the Russian occupiers on the battlefield,” added the Ukrainian army spokesman, “which is confirmed by the almost daily hysterical statements of the criminal Prigozhin.” Heavy losses in the Russian ranks were also confirmed by the Kiev Defense Ministry Deputy Minister Anna Malyar, after which Ukrainian troops advanced another two kilometers.

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