Bad air more than 300 thousand premature deaths

Bad air: more than 300 thousand premature deaths

Pollution. Air rich in pollutants is the most serious health hazard in the EU.

Vienna. Compared to other regions of the world (such as major Indian cities), the EU can have comparatively clean air. She is still not healthy. This is demonstrated by the “Air Quality Status 2023”, prepared by the European Environment Agency and presented on Friday. Compared to 2005, the level of pollutants decreased by 41 percent, but compared to 2021 it increased slightly, which – as underlined – is within the fluctuation range.

Specifically, 327,000 premature deaths in 2022 are attributed to air pollution in the EU. This is based on statistics and calculations, which are, however, supported by relevant studies. The starting point is the proven consequences that certain pollutants have.

Diagnosis of “death from air pollution” is very rare