Barbara dUrso shocked what she finds on the field quotBut

Barbara d’Urso shocked what she finds on the field: "But they were normal"

After parting from Mediaset, Barbara D’Urso is given to agriculture. The former Mediaset presenter immortalizes her new venture in her Instagram stories. “Albino aubergines are born,” he says, showing the unusual vegetable. Even the greengrocer is so incredulous that he replies, “Me I planted the normal ones!”. Then, in the background, Barbara laughs, amused and giving an identity to the white color of the aubergines, calling them “albino”.

Also read: Barbara d’Urso, “Truth and Goodness”: Swipe at Mediaset, eye for detail

So d’Urso decides to “try cooking them”. In the stories, the TV face also records his personal chef filling gravy over white eggplants that are carefully placed in a pan. “There’s also meatloaf tonight,” adds the former presenter, putting out another pan in which the meatloaf has already been placed with a side of potatoes. “Also bright tonight‘ she jokes at this point. In short, d’Urso seems to have put the disagreements with the Biscione behind.

In fact, the moderator was fired. In its place, with Afternoon 5, Myrta Merlin. “I wanted to change the afternoon line,” justified the CEO Pier Silvio Berlusconi – we preferred to interrupt the signing of the contract in December. A break after so many years will also do her good. It’s not punishment, it’s just a step in a more journalistic direction.”