This Monday May 15th Barbara Evans shared some great news with the fans. her and her husband Gustavo TheodoroYou will be daddy again.
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On her Instagram account, the model shared a video of her oneyearold daughter Ayla with a positive pregnancy test.
In the caption, Bárbara revealed that the joy was doubled as she is expecting twins and also revealed the gender of the babies.
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“Yes!! Our family is growing!! We are so excited to announce that we are pregnant again!! Ayla is officially the eldest sister now. We are pregnant with twins!! Two boys. We keep dreaming about that God is wonderful,” she wrote.
The pregnancy was again achieved through the process of in vitro fertilization as the couple cannot conceive naturally. In her first pregnancy, Barbara was also expecting twins, but unfortunately one of the babies failed to develop.
Recently the model Bárbara Evans revealed some changes in her life after the birth of her daughter Ayla. She moved inland from São Paulo with her husband Gustavo, the children’s father.
The influencer opened up a question box on her Instagram and received some questions about her friends’ removal with the arrival of motherhood. “I did, and you know what I thought? Excellent!!! God knows how to drive the bad people out of our lives. And who lost? I have no doubt about that,” he said.
She also answered questions about her move from the city to the country, away from the famous. “Why should I miss it? I miss my family. Not from the big city. “I love the interior design I live in,” he concluded.
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Giovanni Prisco
She joined OFuxico in 2018 with a degree in Journalism from the Faculdade Cásper Líbero. Passionate about the world of celebrity and entertainment, Giovanna specializes in reporting on issues related to British Royalty and the international world of celebrity.