Barbara Evans39 baby chokes on peanuts and undergoes surgery

Bárbara Evans' baby chokes on peanuts and undergoes surgery

Influencer Bárbara Evans talked about a situation she went through with her oneyearold daughter

The influencer Barbara Evans He experienced such a horror with his oneyearold daughter Ayla. She revealed that the girl needed surgery after choking on a peanut. The procedure was necessary because pieces of peanut were stuck in one of the girl's lungs and were hindering her breathing!

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Bárbara also revealed that she had visited three doctors, one at the clinic, one at the hospital and a family friend, and that none of them had determined that the problem was due to the peanuts that Ayla had eaten. An xray was even taken, but the doctor didn't see the problem. The problem was only solved when Bárbara sent a video of her daughter to the girl's pediatrician and also showed her the xray. It was Ayla's pediatrician who saw the problem on the xray and advised the influencer.

The influencer Barbara Evans He said that little Ayla underwent an operation to remove the peanut this Sunday afternoon (10) and that she is now doing well but will remain under observation in the hospital until tomorrow.

Bárbara began her account of what happened by saying: “I will give a summary for those who have not seen my videos these days. On Friday, Ayla ate these shelled peanuts split in half. And then she choked, but she didn't run out of breath, she immediately coughed, she started vomiting, but I heard a wheeze in her breath and her breathing was very tired. So I ran out with her, the twins' nannies (Bárbara's newborn children) are nurses and then they did the maneuver to solve the suffocation but nothing came out. Then I was still worried, we took her to the city health center, they examined her, they said everything was fine and so on. And we went to a doctor friend who lives in our city, and he didn't hear anything either, that everything was fine, we went home, we slept.

She then revealed that she had taken her daughter to the hospital the next day. “Yesterday she woke up still panting and breathing very tired. Then I said: “Gustavo, run to Rio Preto, take her to the hospital and we better do an xray to clear the consciousness, to see if there really is something there.” He went with her and I stayed with the twins . You suffocated, what happened?!'. “A mother’s heart, right?” he said.

Barbara Evans She then revealed that it was Ayla's pediatrician who, after visiting three doctors, discovered that the problem was due to the peanut she had choked on days earlier. “During the day I was watching her, my mind was not at rest, I didn't even sleep today, then today she woke up crying, and then I told my husband to send a video of Ayla to Ayla's pediatrician, Maria Carmen Carvalho, I have to thank you for dropping everything on Sunday to come here to the hospital and stay with us. I don't have the words to thank you. You stayed here, entered the operating room and gave us all your support. Then we turn it over to Dr. Maria sent Carmen, she said that it was really not normal and wanted to look at the xray and saw that Ayla's xray was not normal, different from what the doctor had given Gustavo yesterday and asked to come here for surgery to remove the peanut. When we got here we did another xray to make sure we could see that there was a blockage on one side of the lung. We did the xray and everything, and we actually had to have a bronchoscopy.”

Barbara Evans He also reported on the process. “Guys, mother's heart, we waited for hours because she had to fast, she was impatient and wanted to eat, but thank God everything went well, the procedure was around 4:30 in the afternoon. And… and everything went well, they managed to remove 95% of the peanuts, because since they were there since Friday, they became soft, leaving about 5% of a little something that comes out naturally, is absorbed anyway . .that won't change in the future either. your painting. Here's a warning, folks: If your child has frequent problems, it could be due to a foreign body in the lungs. And that was it. Then the nurse comes and gives her medicine, she gets sleepy, goes to the operating room, but everything went well. And now she will remain under observation until tomorrow and have medication administered into her veins. To enjoy. The operation went smoothly, but it was difficult to remove the peanut as it was already soft. We had to poke a lot and will therefore remain under observation until tomorrow. And to warn you about peanuts! Stay tuned!” he concluded.

Barbara Evans' daughter and the peanut pieces she choked onBarbara Evans' daughter and the peanut pieces she choked on

Reproduction on Instagram by Bárbara Evans, showing her daughter and the peanut pieces she took with her

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