Barry Recap Season 3 Premiere on HBO Forgiving Jeff

‘Barry’ Recap: Season 3 Premiere on HBO, ‘Forgiving Jeff’

Our favorite killer is in pretty rough shape as Barry starts his third season – and things are about to get even rougher.

In Sunday’s premiere, Barry stands in an open field eating a snack while we hear a man plead for his life. He was hired to kill the pleading guy but the guy who hired him changes his mind even though the pleading guy slept with his wife. “I forgive Jeff,” the customer decides – so Barry shoots them both in the head. (“There’s no forgiveness, Jeff,” he yells.) Back at home, he morosely plays video games on the couch while Sally runs away to film her new TV show. She asks him to bring her flowers to the set, adding, “When I say you can stay for lunch, just know you can’t!” Thanks, honey!

Barry Season 3 Premiere Noho HankMeanwhile, our old pal Noho Hank is using a nursery as a cover for dealing heroin when detectives come by and ask about the convent shooting. (“This is my first interrogation,” Hank admits to his fellow Chechens. “I’m really nervous.”) In the interrogation room, he acts cool, but is stunned when the cops show him the Chechen pin found on Moss’s dead body. (You know, the pin that Hank gave Barry.) Hank points his finger at Fuches, who he says goes by the name “The Raven.” He killed Moss and shot the monastery, Hank claims. Conveniently, Fuches sits safely tucked away in a humble cabin in the mountains of Chechnya, complaining that he can’t watch college football.


The cops call Gene Cousineau and he identifies Fuches as the guy who showed him Moss’s body. The cops believe “The Raven” killed her, and they cleared Barry of the crime. But Gene isn’t convinced: “Bad things have happened to me since I met this punk.” Bad things happen to Barry too: he browses through an annoying online marketplace for killers, takes a job where a woman kills her husband wants to see – and finally asks the woman for advice on which flowers to buy for Sally. Speaking of Sally, she appears to be writing and starring in her own TV show (good for her!), and Elizabeth Perkins plays a network exec who asks stupid questions and doesn’t seem to know what show she’s even talking about. (Plus, Sally’s old classmate, Natalie, is now her assistant.) Sally runs the set like a pro and jumps into character the moment the cameras roll… but as soon as she walks off the set, she looks a little lost.

A dejected Barry arrives to bring her flowers and Sally pretends to be surprised… and Barry has a horrific vision of a bullet piercing her forehead and blood trickling down her face. When Hank settles in for a cozy night with Cristobal – yes, the one-time mafia rivals are now a couple! — Barry sneaks into their backyard and surprises Hank by asking for a job: “I’m kind of going insane, man, and I need help.” Hank reminds him that he shot many of Hank’s Chechen friends in that monastery and also tried to frame Hank for murdering Moss. “Forgiveness has to be earned,” he tells Barry before explaining that he can’t help him. But Barry gets a text message from Gene asking him to come to the theater the next day – and Gene retrieves a gun given to him by Rip Torn (ha!) before ominously telling his son and grandson adopted.

Barry Season 3 Premiere Gene CousineauGene sits petrified as Barry arrives at the theater and walks past a sign saying it will be closing after 15 years. When Barry asks if Gene might try acting again, Gene fires back, “My career is s–t, Barry. You know that.” He recalls the day he went into the woods with Fuches to see Moss’s body — and he also reveals what Fuches told him. “I know you killed Janice.” , he says, drawing his gun and telling Barry he can either turn himself in “or the fuck die.” But then the gun falls apart in his hand and the top hat rolls harmlessly at Barry’s feet. So Barry makes Gene do the same open field and points a gun at him while vowing not to tell a soul. Barry again imagines a bullet piercing his forehead…but even that isn’t enough to stop Gene from speaking. Barry quotes Hank and says that “Forgiveness must be earned,” and Gene yells back, “Then damn it, earn it!” This gives Barry an idea, “I know how to make it right.” He breaks out into a big smile , before commanding Gene, “Go back in the trunk.”

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