Battiti Live Gregoraci Cue with Soleil Fedez Gaffe Tananai Falls

Battiti Live: Gregoraci Cue with “Soleil”, Fedez Gaffe, Tananai Falls


The evening organized by Radio Norba didn’t go very well, between falls, crippled names and forgotten lyrics, that’s what happened

Battiti Live Gregoraci Cue with Soleil Fedez Gaffe Tananai Falls

Released on July 4, 2022

The second episode of live beats broadcast last night and directed by Gallipoli it turned out threatening for many reasons. In fact, many of the participants, including conductors and singers, became protagonists of gaffe and minor accidents already gone viral on social media.

The first slip that everyone has been talking about for hours was that of the host Elizabeth Gregoraci. The former of Flavio Briatorewhich introduces the arrival of the Spanish singer Alvaro Soler, gave the audience an epic and very tasty moment, as well as what many might describe as a kind of “Freudian slip of the tongue”. Gregoraci garbled Soler’s surname to “solar‘: A truly hilarious mistake, especially considering the success and media exposure (albeit controversial) the former Gieffina has had over the last year.

But Elisabetta Gregoraci wasn’t even the only one to cause a moment of genuine embarrassment on stage.

Fedez forgets the words of his song

If you’ve ever wondered if a singer can completely forget the lyrics of a song, the answer is yes, it was the case with Fedez yesterday. When the artist took the stage at the Radio Norba event to sing Call me by my name With Francesca Michielin he totally panicked.

Fedez turned with startled eyes to Michielin, who introduced the song at last year’s with him Sanremo Festival 2021. “Where are you Franz? I don’t remember this song anymore! I don’t really remember it!” said Federico Lucia, who obviously didn’t have a chance to “refresh his memory” after last year’s event. At this point, Michielin came to his rescue and reminded him of the hunchback’s presence. “Look, I’ll sing your parts if you want,” added Michielin, while Fedez repeated in the background: “I don’t really remember it!”. And to say that with this song Fedez even managed to come second in Sanremo!

The Tananai Accident

Last but not least, to offer another moment of “show” to those present at Battiti Live Tananai. The Lombard singer was present to sing the hit along with Fedez The sweet lifein cooperation with Mara Sattei.

In a moment of heat, Tananai had a brilliant idea to jump in place and fall to the ground. The fall, as told via Instagram Stories, then resulted in a bad sprained ankle, which he had to treat with a bandage.