The seventh season of Bigg Boss Telugu ended with Pallavi Prashanth being announced as the winner and Amardeep as the runner-up. But the aftermath of this announcement led to unexpected clashes and chaos outside Annapurna Studios.
Outside Annapurna Studios, where the Bigg Boss set was set up, fans discussed Amardeep's earlier derogatory remarks about Prashanth in the first few weeks in the house. While waiting for the winner to be announced, these discussions led to massive clashes in front of Annapurna Studios, in which several cars were damaged.
Fans threw stones and engaged in physical altercations, causing damage to vehicles including Amar's Ford, Ashwini's new unregistered Benz SUV and Geethu Royal's car. Even an RTC bus was damaged by the fans. Some of the fans chased Amardeep's car, damaged his glasses and used abusive language against his mother and wife who were sitting in the car.
To prevent these incidents, additional security measures or the use of backdoors for participants might have been considered.
Some claim that Pallavi Prashanth's fans are behind all this chaos; others condemn the same. The witnesses say that some over-enthusiastic fans and youths who turned up at the venue to catch a glimpse of celebrities were behind it.
Whatever it may be, the audience shouldn't take this show seriously and it's just a game.