BBB 23: After Black responded to Big Fone, Deserto defines the strategy Splash

After Cezar Black managed to answer today’s Big Fone (4) at BBB 23 (Globo), Grupo Deserto defined a new strategy.

Speaking in the room, the members agreed not to refer Black to Paredão again.

Larissa: “Now you have Cezar’s option”.

MC Guimê: “We will not put it on”.

Bruno: “Sacanagem, the guy spent the week in Paredão”.

Cara de Sapato also said he was glad the nurse was able to answer the phone. Amanda also had her say on the matter.

Amanda: “Better him than Key”.

After answering the Big Fone, Black managed to leave Paredão and indicate someone tomorrow, during the formation of the Berlinda.

UOL BBB 23 Poll: Who do you think Cezar Black will nominate for Paredão?