BBB 23: “It was massacred from the beginning,” says Domitila about Nicácio Splash

Domitila was approached by Cara de Sapato in the BBB 23 (Globo) kitchen to talk about Fred Nicácio. The fighter continued to claim that the doctor was the only one doing anything for him in the house.

Domitila: “From the start he was slaughtered as if he alone manipulated everyone to do things as if he were the devil in human form.”

shoe face: “But I will say that the only person I have anything to say to about wrong attitudes is him. For example Sarah voted for me, she has every right to vote for me, I may or may not find her arguments weak.”

shoe face: “I thought Fred’s stop was out of the game, that’s all. That’s why I’m asking you and I’m asking you again about that value question. You were optional and that’s fine.”

Domitila: “No, I didn’t exempt myself. I gave a clear opinion and my clear opinion is: if in this game a person has power and wants to use it to make their game, I’m not going to say it’s not fair .”

shoe face: “So you think it’s cool when someone gives false information?”

Domitila: “See how you put words in my mouth. I’m talking about justice”

shoe face: “And I of Values”

POLL BBB 23: Who do you want to eliminate in Paredão?