BBB 23 Key Alves family comes back to comment on

BBB 23: Key Alves’ family comes back to comment on the fighter’s murder and explains how the BBB witnessed the act: “She saw it…”

BBB 23

Leandro Lo’s fighter was killed in a club in São Paulo and Key Alves was at the time of the crime

Key Alves is a member of the group Pipoca do BBB 23© Playback/TV GloboKey Alves is a member of the group Pipoca do BBB 23

The assassination of the fighter Leandro Lo surprised the country. To date, the family has no confirmation about the crime and everything developed after that key alvesfrom BBB 23, states on the show that he witnessed the crime at the club, in Sao Paulo.

The suspect’s lawyer went so far as to say he will ask for the Camarote member’s testimony, and this Monday (20), Keysi Alves, the Onlyfans muse’s older sister, explained in an exclusive chat with the columnist Patricia Kogutfrom Globo how it came about.

The relative begins with a description of that day. “It happened at dawn. She called the next day and told her. It was all over the news sites. She was fine scared. I was with a friend and they ran away. who hears a shot In a ballad you don’t know exactly what’s going on. It must have been pretty scary,” he said.

Afterwards, Keysi said that Key might not be the best help for the investigation. “As far as we know, she was in the same environment that cabin he was on the side. She saw how all the people who were near her saw her, but she probably doesn’t know why she started an argument about what happened…” he repeated.

Victor Tobias

23 years old, from Brasilia, lover of literature, entertainment, music and Beyoncé fan. He worked as an author in this segment for three years, contributing to communication vehicles in the capital.