BBB 23: Tadeu Schmidt promises some surprises in the coming days and announces them "turbo week"; How it works…


The week will have walls and surprise eliminations

Photos: Reproduction/Rede GloboPhotos: Reproduction/Rede Globo

O BBB 23 promises a very busy week. In the commercial for the reality show that airs daily on the station, the presenter Thaddeus Schmidt revealed that the brothers and sisters will be in for several surprises in the coming days of the program.

On VT, which airs during the Rede Globo program breaks, Squidward says that the next few days will follow the rhythm of Carnival and that the next few days will be part of “Turbo Week”. “A turbo week is imminent at the BBB! The carnival ends out here, but the excitement remains high in the house,” the presenter began.

> Photo: Reproduction/Rede Globo

Loog later left a mysterious atmosphere in the air and has not yet announced what will happen in the next few days of reality. “I wonder what’s going to happen, huh? surprise test? surprise wall? surprise elimination? Who knows? Only see! What a week, huh?” he added.

This Sunday (19th), the brothers and sisters will participate in a more open vote where all participants will hear the reasons for their votes. Aside from that, Cezarwho has been selected for Castigo do Monstro and is in Xepa will guide someone to Paredão.

Lauren Berger, 23 years old, born and raised in Porto Alegre, RS. As a journalist, I’m passionate about reality shows and pop culture. As a diehard fan, I can’t deny a good series and film marathon!