BBB 23 Wall Poll Cezar Fred Nicacio or Cara de

BBB 23 Wall Poll: Cézar, Fred Nicácio or Cara de Sapato? track list

New berlinda founded! In a dynamic with Big Fone and double test of Angel and Leader, Caesar, Fred Nicocio It is shoe face are on the second wall of this week. Who do you want to see out of the house? Vote in our Wall BBB 23 poll.

Continue reading: BBB 23: Gabriel Santana refuses to vote for Key Alves’ brother and the two fight

BBB 23 Wall Poll: Cézar, Fred Nicácio or Cara de Sapato?

Take a look at how the Wall was created

The night has already begun with two bricked up. On Saturday evening (26.) Sarah Aline the Big Fone replied and finally displayed shoe face to the wall and said that “it couldn’t be otherwise,” he said.

Key Alves, on the other hand, ended up in the hot seat after Guimê recommended Castigo do Monstro. “Brazil is watching and here in the house we also know what is happening between us. I believe if someone votes for me, that person gives me the right to vote for them again. If you don’t get it, it’s part of the game. And today the monstro that takes you to Paredão is on Key,” said Guimê.

Opening of the survey Squidward asked Guimê to share who would be vaccinated by him. “I will gift this angel to a partner of mine who has become a friend in the game”. However, in the end, the singer received the news that the angel is autoimmune.

Leader nomination Bruna was Fred Nicocio. As a reason, the actress stated that she could not be contradictory and ignore the argument they had at the last party. “I think it’s boring to press the same button, to repeat people, but on the other hand I can’t be inconsistent with my feelings and my perception here in the game and I can’t send anyone else today except Fredão,” he said.

In the house vote, Cézar Black and Aline Wirley They bonded, but Bruna eventually saved her friend from the wall. Key Alves won and broke the wall, putting Cézar, Cara de Sapato and Fred Nicácio in the spotlight with one of them eliminated on Tuesday (28th). who do you want to see Remember that despite our poll, the valid votes to eliminate on the BBB 23 wall are Gshow!