BBB 24 After talking too much Valentina Bandeira leaves

“BBB 24 : After talking too much, Valentina Bandeira leaves the moderator team

Valentina BandeiraReproduction / Instagram

Published on May 1, 2024 08:20

The actress Valentina Bandeira is outside the news announced for “Big Brother Brasil 24”. In the last few days she revealed on her YouTube channel that she would be moderating the chat with those leaving at her side Thais Fersoza.

The station confirmed the information that Valentina would not be part of the presenter cast of the Globo reality show in a press release last Thursday evening (04). According to the information in the note, the wife of Michel Telo will alone dominate the attraction.

“Thais Fersoza debuts at BatePapo BBB, which welcomes the eliminated players to the wall after crucial nights. The presenter is responsible for leading the conversation with the recently eliminated player and, in addition, collecting his first impressions of the game outside the house, showing and commenting on notable scenes of his journey,” they explained.

It is recalled that Valentina Bandeira made a joke on social media after allegedly leaking a list of names of the participants in the competition. In her stories, she entertained the internet by pretending to be locked up with the singer Simaria Mendes and the influencer Chico Moedas. Advertising