If Giovanna Lima does not take proper care of her foot, she may be excluded from participation BBB24, as Big Boss explained this Monday afternoon (22). After the alarm was raised, the girl from Minas Gerais cried a lot and was greeted by her brothers.
Through tears, the sister said she felt “useless” she had already been prevented from taking part in the program's tests because of the injury. Michel, Ráculo, Davi, Vinicius and other brothers spoke to her to calm her down.
“It sucks because I think I'm useless, that I don't do anything,” she says. Michel then says that she doesn't have to think like that, and Ráculo emphasizes that she is hurt. “She temporarily has limited mobility,” emphasizes Vinicius.
“You’ll just take more care of yourself,” says Michel. “What a shame,” laments the girl from Minas Gerais.
“Go to the confessional, speak correctly to understand better,” advises Puxadinho.
“Guys, I have no doubt, my foot is broken and that's it! It needs to heal for an hour,” the nurse concludes.
The girl from Minas Gerais was in the Xepa kitchen when she received the production notice. “Giovanna, you need to pay special attention to your feet, as you have already been advised,” he begins.
Big Boss then explains that the sister must always stay on both crutches and avoid putting her injured foot on the ground.
“Avoid as much as possible supporting the injured foot, always supporting your body on crutches, be more careful, otherwise your participation in the program could end,” he concludes.
Giovanna suffered the accident at the first reality party and broke one of the bones in her foot on the 11th. When asked about the area of the injury, she explained: “The fifth metatarsal bone, that is this bone in the foot.” The sister has to stay in the orthopedic boot for five weeks, i.e. until midFebruary.
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