BBB 24 Rodriguinho wins the 2nd leader39s race leaving three

BBB 24: Rodriguinho wins the 2nd leader's race, leaving three brothers behind "insight" of the Wall NPC Total

BBB 24 Rodriguinho Photo Fábio Rocha Globo.jpg

Rodriguinho is the leader of BBB 24 this week (Photo: Fábio Rocha, Globo)

BBB 24 defined its second leader this Thursday (11). Rodriguinho won the race and chose Davi, Isabelle and Beatriz as “in the crosshairs” of the wall. Tomorrow (12) he will definitely nominate one person from the trio who will be in the spotlight.

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Rodriguinho took part in the dynamic Na Mira do Líder (Photo: Reproduction/Globoplay)

BBB 24 Second test of the leader in photo reproduction Globo

The participants compete for the second test of the BBB 24 leader (Photo: Reproduction, Globo)

BBB 24 Davi Isabele and Beatriz are in the sights of leader Rodriguinho (Photo Paulo Belote and Fábio Rocha, Globo)

Davi, Isabele and Beatriz are in the sights of leader Rodriguinho at BBB 24. (Photo: Paulo Belote and Fábio Rocha, Globo)

BBB 24 Rodriguinho Photo Fábio Rocha Globo.jpg

Rodriguinho Rodriguinho is the second leader of BBB 24 (Photo: Fábio Rocha, Globo)


Maycon was already eliminated this Thursday (Photo: Reproduction/Globoplay)

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How was the leader's test?

The driver test had 24 participants. In the first phase, divided into four groups, the brothers had to position themselves on a cart that was moved on a rail by other team members using a crank. The two winning groups reached the semifinals.

At the end of the first phase, the team consisting of Nizam, Matteus, Rodriguinho, Giovanna Pitel, Fernanda and Lucas Pizane moved on to the final part of the race. Everyone had to open an envelope. Rodriguinho took the card that showed the lead and emerged victorious.

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How Na Mira do Líder works

Announced as one of BBB 24's new features, the Na Mira do Líder dynamic consists of a “preview” on the wall. Each week, the winner of the race must select three contestants to “spotlight” until Sunday when they select one person from the trio to go to the wall. The reality show predicts the dynamic will take place live every Friday.

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BBB 24: Maycon from Santa Catarina is eliminated on the first wall

BBB 24 will have a new dynamic with an autoimmune angel and a “preview” leader

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