A video of a mess that Key Alves, a recently confirmed BBB23 volleyball player, may have been involved in went viral on the internet this weekend. The athlete would have thrown an object at members of the Technical Committee of an opposing team. At the end of the video, the women who recorded the confusion claim that the player threw a chair.
“Keyla threw a chair. What the hell is that? Keyla threw a chair,” said the woman who took the video. It is possible to see a woman of similar stature to Keyla wearing a purple uniform used by liberos, a position played by the sister, exiting the scene of confusion right after throwing the object.
Key Alves is listed for BBB23 (Reproduction: Instagram)
Advertising by Metropoles 1 PartnerKey Alves is listed for BBB23 (Reproduction: Instagram)
Key Alves is listed for BBB23 (Reproduction: Instagram)
Advertising by Metropoles 2 partnersKey Alves0
Column LeoDias reached out to the sister’s team to confirm if she was the one featured in the video. However, at the time of this writing, there was no response.
Watch the video of the mess
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