BBB24 Contestants consider leaving Isabelle and Davi after the leadership

BBB24: Contestants consider leaving Isabelle and Davi after the leadership test; regard

The “BBB24” brothers analyzed the results of the leader test this Thursday (22). Although the competition ended with Isabelle and Beatriz victorious, Leidy, Lucas and Bin Laden found it strange that Davi was not with his ally, which could completely change the course of the game.

During a conversation in the gym, the participants were able to understand the origins of the argument from the previous day. Lucas pointed out that he didn't understand why David did the test with Matteus. “Look at how Davi manipulates things sometimes… When Bia and Isabelle got back in the pool, Bia said, 'Ah, unlikely couple, I didn't even know I was getting involved with Isabelle'. Then Isabelle said: “I wanted to do it with Davi, but when I saw it he got together with Matteus.” I don't know if they parted on the sofa when it was time for the two of them to get together, “They were lying next to each other,” said the teacher.

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Isabelle called Davi to take the leadership test together, he declined.
Isabelle and Beatriz win the lead and Davi says he believes that lead has to come from Beatriz “because she really wants to be there.” #BBB24

— 54 days Isabelle Champion 🐮❤️ 🏹 (@isabellecampea) February 23, 2024

“She was on the side! He [Davi] He was waiting for Matteus to get up to test with him,” Leidy explained and agreed. “He didn't know who he was going to do it with, Davi asked him to do it. Stuck it up the ass. There he is [Davi]: “Oh, if I went with Isabelle…”. He was the one who didn't want to go with Isabelle. He was on Isabelle’s side,” the carioca continued.

Lucas added: “And Isabelle said, 'I wanted to do it with Davi, but he disappeared from my side'. His dream was to compete with Alegrete.”

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Buddha says that Davi is manipulating things, that he said he was going to do the test with Isabelle yesterday but he actually wanted to do it with Matteus and that Isabelle said that Davi disappeared from her side when choosing the couples. #BBB24

Dantas (@Dantinhas) February 23, 2024

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Leidy said that Davi didn't want to take the test with Isabelle

Lucas Buda: “His dream was to take the exam with Alegrete”

Bin Laden: “Brother, either we bully him a lot, or we just see this shit” #BBB24

Central Reality #BBB24 (@centralreality) February 23, 2024

This attitude also led those incarcerated to believe that Davi and Isabelle were walking away from the game. “Either we give him a lot of trouble or we just see this mess. Sometimes the things people accuse him of are unnecessary. “I think Davi will make the top 10,” Bin guessed.

However, Leidy disagreed. “No, if you pick me up, I’ll talk. Sometimes people pick on others for free. Let’s see, I think the game has changed out there,” he explained. “He moves differently. I think he and Cunhã will do it [se separar]. Not that they would hate each other if they voted…” Lucas completed the thought.

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Bin Laden believes Rodriguinho and Davi will reach the top 10. Leidy disagrees. #BBB24

Central Reality #BBB24 (@centralreality) February 23, 2024

What the members of the fourth gnome didn't know was that Isabelle herself confirmed that Beatriz had asked her to form a duo. After the win, Davi remembered the conversation with his sister. “Do you remember that at the time of Partition I said, 'Come with me'? Then Bea called you and said: 'Let's go, Isabelle,'” the Bahian said to Isa. She also confirmed: “I also said: 'Get together with Matteus, Davi!'”. Just look:

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David: In Isabelle? Do you remember that at the time of the partition I said we would go with me? Then Bea called you and said, “Come on, Isabelle!”

Isa: That was it

Davi: Oh, I said okay, Isa, so go with her and I'll go with Matteus.

(📸Video/Reproduction: TV Globo)

— Davi Brito 🚗 (@davibritof) February 23, 2024

Isabelle and Beatriz completed the test for around five hours. The two still have to decide who will take the lead this week and who will receive the money accumulated in the dispute. Davi and Matteus took third place, also losing to Giovanna Pitel and Fernanda.

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Davi and Matteus were eliminated from the leadership test.
Two pairs remain. BBB

Reminder (@diarioultimodia) February 23, 2024