BBB24 Rodriguinho mocks Nizam for singing a Tati Quebra Barraco

BBB24: Rodriguinho mocks Nizam for singing a Tati Quebra Barraco song and gets a clean kick back from Giovanna; Watch

BBB24: Rodriguinho mocks Nizam for singing Tati Quebra Barraco song: “No need”; Clock (Reproduction/Globoplay)

This Sunday (21), when some brothers were gathered in the kitchen of BBB 24, Rodriguinho made fun of Nizam for singing a verse of the song “Boladona” by Tati Quebra Barraco at yesterday's party. Despite the Pagodeiro's “joke,” the executive didn't seem to mind. Giovanna Lima also left a clear statement about the incident.

“I remember Nizam singing Tati’s songs. “I’m a dog, I’m a kitten,” Rodriguinho said, laughing. “It’s the lyrics, damn it. Damn. “It was bad,” Nizam said at the same time. “Your friends out there will 'freak you out,'” the former Travessos continued. MC Bin Laden also spoke out. “I can’t laugh because I was with him,” he argued.

While repeating the verses of Tati's song, Rodriguinho pointed out what Nizam could have done. “Hey, that part isn’t necessary. Just sing something different,” he said. “I hadn’t assimilated. “Rodrigo told me yesterday, I thought, 'Brother…'” Bin Laden admitted. Giovanna then expressed her opinion on the brothers' statements.

“It's funny. “Masculinity is a very fragile and sensitive thing,” observed the nutritionist. Nizam then explained that there was no problem in singing the corresponding verse. “I know who I am, old man,” the stressed walled Mann. However, the funk player said it was important to him. “I have a problem with singing, dad. I have a lot of problems,” he confessed. Regard:

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Rodriguinho mocks the Nizam for singing Tati Quebra Barraco's song “The guy who sings sou cachorra, sou gatinha.”#BBB24

— UpdateCharts (@updatecharts) January 21, 2024

“The bad thing is that the boys make fun of it afterwards,” argued Rodriguinho. “Fuck you, let the boys have fun. I've spent my whole life with men who made fun of me. Screw it,” Nizam affirmed. “No, no, you’re crazy. Imagine coming to a show and the guys say, “Hey, Bin Laden, I'm a dog, I'm a cat.” I'll be like, “Oh no, old man.” That's the music playing! I will put my cap here,” said the MC.

Like Giovanna, Yasmin Brunet also gave an accurate assessment of the situation. “Of course, yes. “You play the music and stop hanging around with idiots who make fun of you for such a silly thing,” the model advised. “Does what they say affect your masculinity? Don't you know? “Who are you when you look in the mirror?” said Nizam.

Bin Laden then explained how people would behave here. “But the boys’ mule is hell, man. Rodrigão knows what it's like. The boys will put my face on their body [de gatinha]. I’m telling you,” he replied. “I don’t know, I don’t sing these things,” Rodriguinho replied. Checkout:

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BEFORE people distort the information to try to burn down Nizan, I will post the video:

Nizam Flou, who has NO problem singing “I am a dog, I am a kitten…”, the ones who made fun and didn't like the situation were Bin and Rodriguinho!!#BBB24 #FicaNizam

— Reserv🅰️Reality ⏰ (@RealityReserva) January 21, 2024

Watch the moment Tati sings the song “Boladona” at the BBB 24 party:

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Tati Quebra Barraco, Valesca Popozuda and DJ Marlboro are funk legends and I speak quietly #festabbb #BBB24

Allan (@limalblue) January 21, 2024