BC publishes a list of the 15 banks that received

BC publishes a list of the 15 banks that received the most complaints Escola Educação

On July 22, the Central Bank (BC) released the list of banks which received the most complaints from their customers in the first three months of 2022. Among the 15 financial institutions that C6 bank landed at the top, followed by BTG Pactual/Banco Pan, followed by BTG Pactual/Banco Pan, and Banco Inter completing the top three spots.

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This position in the ranking is not defined by the number of complaints, as in this case traditional banks and those with more account holders would always come out on top. The BC performed a calculation taking into account the number of valid complaints divided by the number of customers and multiplied by 1 million, ie the higher the index, the worse for the bank.

In addition to the institutions already mentioned, other major banks with the largest number of customers, such as BMG and Santander, are among the five institutions with the most complaints.

Below is the full list of banks with the highest complaint rates:

  • C6 Bench (77.99)
  • BTG Pactual/Banco Pan (68.20)
  • Interbank (48.85)
  • BMG (47.20)
  • Santander (27.37)
  • Bradesco (25.22)
  • Credit Market (24.96)
  • Original bank (21.59)
  • PagBank PagSeguro (14.87)
  • Caixa Econômica Federal (13.17)
  • Bank of Brazil (12.32)
  • Itau (12.26)
  • Banco Votorantim (Bank BV) (8.17)
  • NuBank (7.48)
  • Midway SA Credit, Financing and Investment (2.87)
  • Among the various reasons for complaints against banks, the most common are: irregularities related to the integrity, reliability, security, secrecy or legitimacy of operations and services related to the credit card.

    This ranking of central bank complaints is released every three months and should have been released in April initially. However, with the BC servers’ strike ending on July 5th, there were delays in disclosure.