Be careful when traveling TO THESE countries Use of toilet

Be careful when traveling TO THESE countries: Use of toilet paper may be prohibited Notice Brazil

Toilet paper is popular in Brazil, although some people use the showerhead next to the toilet. Still, sheets of paper are the most common resource for cleaning up after doing “number 2” in the restroom. However, there are countries where the reality is very different.

Also see: TikToker reveals the “toilet paper” trick to clean the most disgusting part of the house

For various reasons, toilet paper is avoided or even banned in some countries around the world. Check out these places and understand the reasons why you don’t use such a common item in Brazil.

In fact, many people can’t imagine what their routine would be like without using this home hygiene resource.

Countries where the use of toilet paper is not practiced or prohibited

Check out the countries and cultures in which traditional toilet paper is not commonly used:

1 Asian countries not using toilet paper

Some countries in Asia for example Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand It is India Decided not to use toilet paper in the bathroom but this is due to local technology. To get an idea, there are restrooms equipped with devices that help in the cleaning process. This type of device eliminates the need to use traditional paper

2 Countries that follow Islam

Within Islamic culture, it is most appropriate to complete the “number 2” process in the bathroom with a bathtub. Therefore, using toilet paper in this state is not necessary. That’s because Islam preaches that you don’t have anything unclean in your body, with toilet paper not being as efficient as a shower at cleaning yourself. Turkey’s Director of Religious Affairs herself has issued a ban on the newspaper.

3 African countries

Some countries on the African continent face serious difficulties in using basic resources due to the immense social inequality and misery that is spreading across the continent. Therefore, there are regions where not even toilet paper is accessible to citizens.