Beatrice Luzzi and Giuseppe Garibaldi a growing intimacy Big Brother

Beatrice Luzzi and Giuseppe Garibaldi: a growing intimacy Big Brother 2023 | Girlfriend Big Brother

The tenth episode of Big Brother begins with Beatrice And Joseph, their interest and the reactions of the house. There are still those who are particularly suspicious Cyrus which makes Giuseppe less involved than the actress.

This comment, revealed to the couple, angered Beatrice as she did not think it was elegant. For his part, however, Ciro was disappointed, his opinion was only a very light one and he did not think that it would cause so much trouble. However, Giuseppe showed that he was more impressed than his competitor.

“To say something live in front of everyone that he’s not sure about, I don’t think he has the right to do that,” comments Beatrice when confronted with requests for clarification from Alfonso Signorini. The host notes that Garibaldi was less affected by the matter and continues to report that he does not notice this lack of balance.

“I thought I would say something in his favor, especially because not everyone believes in this thing. Then I didn’t think a title was necessary to say this thing,” comments the actor, but Beatrice continues to emphasize that she is annoyed because she is always the focus of the comments.

Ciro and also Cesara Buonamici believe that the competitor is taking it too much and comment: “You are happy, you are doing well, you are a couple, then time will tell.” In addition, the commentator reminds us that this too is the Big Brother game and others are free to express their opinions.

Most of all, many have described the couple as surreal Cornflower who defends herself by explaining that the adjective surreal is only used for her because it happened very quickly and in an unexpected way. The presenter then points out that if surreal is used because Beatrice is older than Giuseppe, then aren’t all men who fall in love with a young girl surreal?

Fiordaliso states that his vision was not due to the age difference, but only the difference in character.

After this moment of confrontation, Beatrice is called into the mystery and here the competitor takes advantage of the support of the host: “You must always remember the courage to be yourself.” Then the topic returns to Giuseppe and the feelings that the actress for the competitor.

The competitor was shown images of the couple’s intimacy, which Giuseppe confided during the week: “For you I don’t know, I have big problems.” This story came and was unexpected for the actress and she comments: “I hope so “I like my house too.”

Beatrice says after seeing so many young participants, she didn’t think there could be anyone who would catch her attention. He remembers the Hawaiian party when he put on makeup and from then on looks and understandings are thrown at him until, on one of the most difficult days of discussions with the other participants, he finds Giuseppe next to him. “With him everything is completely natural, there is no need to say a lot to each other, to have definitions,” adds the actress.

“It’s like you’re asking for validation from your emotions and feelings, and he opens up spontaneously. Why do you find it difficult to believe it?” asks Alfonso Signorini and Beatrice’s answer is not long in coming: “I ask him because I don’t know him, it’s a way to understand the overall vision he has.”

“The sad thing is when you feel a little alone when you are with him,” emphasizes the presenter, believing that Beatrice does not receive support from Giuseppe, but the competitor indicates that she does not expect more than what The boy gives her donations and is very happy about it.

Everyone needs their time and Giuseppe and Beatrice deserve theirs without having to answer to anyone.