1660903224 Beet Barbie Soup

Beet Barbie Soup

Beet Barbie Soup

We couldn’t decide between the refreshing zucchini, melon and coconut milk soup and the recipe we’re sharing today, sent by Juan Pablo Agusil. In this fifth edition of Comidista Invited we doubted more than one false witness, so we were forced to award two first prizes ex aequo. To be honest, this cheesy exotic Barbie soup has conquered our culinary hearts.

According to Juan Pablo, it is inspired by šaltibarščiai, a typical Lithuanian soup. “It has a more fluid texture than the traditional one and can be made with products that are easily available in Spain. In addition, it is very easy to prepare and the proportions can be varied to better suit your liking,” comments the winner of the competition, who recommends using beets that have already been cooked to further reduce processing.

Thanks to the union of the Barbie world with Lithuanian gastronomy, Juan Pablo can enjoy a juicy batch of products from our beloved shop Petra Mora worth 186 euros. This pack consists of 26 different products, including its extra virgin olive oil, its creamy cheese, its candied piquillo peppers or its Rioja Rosalba red wine. And also other food from Petra Mora’s own animal husbandry, such as beef steak.

“A few days ago I had a long dinner with a friend and we were sweating profusely in the heat of Barcelona. We finished off with this soup, and it was so refreshing you could feel the sweat trickle down your face,” she says to Agusil, who adds all the chips that accompany this soup can be adjusted “to the Barbie cottage level.” , by placing it more or less or cutting it to different sizes.



for 4 people

  • 500 g cooked beetroot
  • 200 ml fresh or sour cream
  • 1 lemon (zest and juice)
  • 4 boiled and cold eggs
  • 8 small potatoes boiled and cold
  • 2 cucumbers
  • chives or chives
  • fresh dill
  • Salt
  • sugar


  • Cut the beets into cubes or small strips and leave them in a bowl with a liter of water. Add lemon juice, salt and sugar to taste and chill in the fridge overnight (this step is optional but it really helps macerate the beets and turns the water so beautifully pink). For a thicker consistency, puree some of the diced beets in the same liquid.
  • Peel and halve cucumbers. Use a teaspoon to remove and discard the seeds, then slice the cucumbers into crescents. Reservations.
  • Wash and finely chop the chives or spring onions and dill. Reservations.
  • Peel the eggs and cut into cubes or wedges and set aside. You can also stay whole.
  • Separate some of the liquid in which the beets were soaked in a bowl and add the fresh or sour cream. Mix very well until there are no white traces of the fresh cream left.
  • In a bowl, add all the macerated beets with the remaining liquid, add the fresh cream mixture and stir. Adjust salt, sweetness and acidity. Store in the refrigerator until the desired cold point is reached.
  • Place the bowl in the center of the table and serve as many beets as you like. Add cucumber dill croissants, chives and lemon zest to taste. Place pieces equal to one egg per person on each plate. The soup is accompanied by boiled potatoes like bread, that is, a spoonful of soup and a piece of potato.
  • If your recipe isn’t among the winners, don’t worry. The Guest Comidista contest will return soon with a different challenge but with the same goal: that you can be the protagonist of this site for a day.

    You can view the rules of the competition here.