Before Kayky Brito was run over he was almost hit

Before Kayky Brito was run over, he was almost hit by another car, but it was able to slow down. VIDEO G1

The video shows actor Kayky Brito almost getting run over another time

Kayky decided to cross the two lanes of Avenida Lúcio Costa outside the pedestrian crossing to get to a car parked on the opposite side of the beach.

When crossing the first lane, a car must brake to avoid being passed over. In the images you can see the vehicle’s brake light flashing and Kayky running to escape.

The actor continues his journey uninjured. However, when he returned to the kiosk, he ended up being run over when he was already crossing the second lane (the video at the end of the report shows the accident; the images are strong).

The video shows the moment Bruno de Luca sees that Kayky Brito has been run over on the edge of Barra

The driver rendered aid and did not run, the passenger says

Kayky Brito What was the accident like with the actor?

Kayky Brito was run over by an app driver who was carrying a passenger at the time of the accident.

The driver helped the actor and waited for the police to arrive. He was interviewed and subjected to a breathalyzer test. The result was negative for taking alcohol and other substances that cause the same effect.

“I didn’t drive too fast, I was super calm. […]. “It was traveling at a calm speed,” she said, who was accompanied in the vehicle by her 10yearold daughter.

Surveillance camera recorded accident involving actor Kayky Brito