Before the IACHR The public ministry is the prey that

Before the IACHR: “The public ministry is the prey that the investigated mafias are looking for”

Before the IACHR The public ministry is the prey that

In a hearing attended, in addition to the Ombudsman, by representatives of the Peruvian State, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) heard members of civil society who spoke about the serious situation facing the Ministry of State in Peru. .

Florencia Gallardo, from Cejil, pointed out, among other things, the dissolution of the team of prosecutors, the judicial measures taken against them and the lack of measures to protect the judicial independence of some prosecutors.

“Since July 2022, 10 prosecutorial teams responsible for corruption cases have been relieved of their duties, as happened in the so-called White Collars trial involving judges, prosecutors and businessmen.” The same happened with another prosecutor dealing with the case the prosecutor's sister. “This shows that undue influence is being exercised within the State Department to ensure impunity, curtail investigations and prevent possible convictions,” said Florencia Gallardo.

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For his part, IDL's Cruz Silva pointed to the serious attacks to intervene Public Ministry with the intention of replacing all its members.

“The public ministry is the prey that the investigated mafias are looking for,” he said.

The hearing also noted that precautionary measures for judicial officers were crucial to keeping them in their positions, although this was not the case for a large proportion of struggling prosecutors. Among them they named José Domingo Pérez, against whom there are reportedly 80 disciplinary and criminal complaints. Therefore, they called for monitoring the stigmatization of prosecutors.

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For their part, the state representatives stated that they respect the autonomy of every power and also of autonomous organizations.

The nation's acting prosecutor, Juan Carlos Villena, noted that there are more than 300 investigations, many of them against members of Congress. Other members of the institution spoke about the new organic law of the Ministry of State that they are preparing and which will have a focus on human rights.

The ombudsman, Walter Gutiérrez, said that the JNJ He asked him to convene the special commission to appoint its new members. He said he had already done so and “they are suitable.”

Independence and balance

The president of the room, José Luis Caballero, emphasized independence, balance and counterweights. “That’s why the appointment of judicial officers is so important. It is important that it is absolutely tidy,” he said. His questions covered Congress' action before the JNJ, provisional nature of the prosecution, precautionary measures and democratic institutions.