Beijing Express the testimonies of the edition Pellegrini divina score

Beijing Express, the testimonies of the edition: Pellegrini divina (score 10), activists umarell (score 2)

Pellegrini and Giunta, demi-gods out of the running: 10 votes

The newlyweds are the revelation of the Beijing Express 2023. Federica Pellegrini and Matteo Giunta have everything to promote everything: the brave decision to choose the most exhausting reality show on our television for their honeymoon, the sporting temperament that makes them practically unbeatable road, dirt and dense jungle. What’s more, they’re beautiful on the cover too, and they love each other like mere mortals have only heard in legends. It’s to be hoped that they wreak havoc, at least in the kitchen, or else there’s no explaining why Mother Nature bestowed this overdose of goodies on two people. Luckily they met and inevitably fell in love. He’s gentle but willing to flex his muscles to defend his queen. She is volcanic and extremely competitive, they complement each other perfectly. Better this way: “It would have broken my heart if this experience had made us realize that we are not as a good match as I thought we were,” the Divine said mid-journey. A journey where they (maybe) never consummated their marriage, slept on the floor, in a pagoda, with spiders in their slippers. Her nemesis was Joe Bastianich, who would do anything to defeat her. But always with fair play. “I’ll never like to come second, it’s just a professional deformation,” admitted the champion, without causing many surprises. Except that the former Masterchef judge is a “First Lady” in every sense. It was great fun watching them clash, with Giunta acting as a peacemaker, muscles tense. Her ankle injury just before the final resulted in the worst cliffhanger in Beijing Express’s already perfidious history. Congratulations to her and to the casting agency that lured her onto the indie streets. We doubt that Giunta and Pellegrini really belong to our own species. Literally demigods for their tenacity and tenderness, it is impossible not to adore them. And envy her the right.

Lawyers how to shoot yourself in the leg: Voice 4

Alessandra Demichelis and Lara Picardi, the lawyers for Beijing Express 2023, haven’t traveled far on the Sky reality show. Even better for them, in just four episodes they had already made half the people hate them (including future customers?). Stone of Scandal is first and foremost Demichelis, a determined and tenacious, though not primarily horror-fighting, beast. Not used to not living comfortably, she endured every second of this experience, even dragging her unfortunate traveling companion into a Hades full of insults and Savoy Macumbe. Demichelis was never a good word for anyone, he was the black soul of the edition, mistreating locals far and wide. “The Indians? They don’t even know where they live!” the legal blonde proclaimed more than once, furious at having been given the wrong instructions in her lame speech. Twitter didn’t forgive her for an unfortunate outburst about maids: “Why do I pay for mine when ironing is that easy?” Exit, which actually sanctioned the pair’s elimination from the race. And that gives viewers new hope: Karma too, it seems, knows how to act quickly. Back in their lives of aperitifs and luxuries in the shadow of the Mole Antonelliana, collective memory removed them from the game as soon as they were outside.Before Beijing, staying in a gampling in Courmayeur was the best of their adaptability.And that’s why it’s always good to travel informed Whatever “gambling” is, by the way.

Italo-Americans, Bastianich and Belfiore like the Blues Brothers: Voice 9

“On behalf of God”. The Italian-American couple led by Joe Bastianich and Andrea Belfiore could make the Blues Brothers’ claim their own. Indeed they did: on more than one occasion, as masters of the art of deception, they persuaded unfortunate drivers on duty to give them a ride by the will of the Most High. In addition, the former Masterchef judge also boasted that he earned a master’s degree in theology from a prestigious American university. will it be true Perhaps. Bastianich seems to have had more lives than the cats and the experience he gained with them made him the perfect competitor for Beijing Express. He managed to dine for free at extra luxury restaurants because: “We have cameras, they’ll think we’re advertising it. Do you know how much food I threw away like this?” He promised to cook at everyone’s home Then put the companion Belfiore on the stove on time. Managing Director. He never got upset, even when he made the most fatal mistake you can make on the Beijing Express: losing the card. Always skeptical about the sincerity of the activists’ intentions, after all, Conti did not put up with any of the other couples: looking at the Mediterranean Sea, it seemed to him that a beautiful imaginary anti-noise headset appeared on his skull every time. Great respect only for the newlyweds he fought with, in fair play, to the last. He too had an accident, like Pellegrini, in which he crashed his bike into a scooter and chased the idea of ​​finishing first. To the ER. Throughout, Belfiore has been cushioning the damage that the traveling companion’s hubris may have (and has) caused. Other than that, it went down the drain. Also because “Joe Bastianich is always right” is the only dogma that the “Restaurant Man” demonstrably blindly believes in. Yes, cooks!

The activists outside the social bubble are umarell: voice 2

Under the whining nothing. Activists Giorgia Soleri and Federica Fabrizio (@federippi on Instagram) turned out to be the most disappointing couple of this edition. Beijing Express is certainly not based on good feelings, and on paper the like-catcher girls played the role of thoroughbred dislikes. Instead, not even that. If Fabrizio could at least be a good friend, Soleri found the whole experience like another personal ordeal. She joined the lamentation in the public square and continued to do so on television, repeatedly defining her participation in the race as a symbol, as a message. A message viewed and unanswered by the public at home, which angrily often wondered why Damiano’s maned skin friend (but dare to call her that!) hadn’t stayed meowing on the sofa to make room for someone with a stronger will to create. In every way the feminist equivalent of an Umarell, many of the travelers have shown her a certain heaviness in thought, word, deed and opinion. Above all, always the same. And repeat yourself. In addition, the elimination of the educated (Maria Rosa Petolicchio and Andrea Di Piero), carried out by the direct will of the two, is unforgivable. Even harmful, a single affirmation: Better if they stay confined to Instagram. At least for those who follow them. The presumption that one’s dramas are of interest to the whole world is the prerogative of social networks. Right now, at least, no one turns on the TV to care about other people’s problems. They took part to show how strong women are. In her particular case, very strong. As for the forced irritation.

Mother and Son, Colombari-Costacurta Deserves a Spinoff: Voice 8

Martina Colombari and son Achille Costacurta were amazing at Beijing Express 2023. For better or for worse. Wonderfully, she wandered around India with the photo album of her victory in the Miss Italy pageant (Year of Our Lord 1991), convinced that snagging passages might be of some use to her. He was very agile and suffered from sudden outbursts of anger towards anyone, even strangers. Constantly on edge, cranky and wild, they had something many couples in this issue lacked: a desire to stay in the game. Colombari cheated on herself and her baby every time she took an immunity test. Toddler giving away beads like a real war lightning in the game: “Mom, look at this beautiful sunset!” he exclaimed as he watched the sunrise at six o’clock in the morning. Then to confuse cows with bulls, sure they had testicles. We will not soon forget him, also because of the enthusiasm with which, in a moment of rare tenderness, he began to play football with some local children. As soon as she left her mother, she seemed a different person. Of course better. Or at least calmer. That’s exactly why we’re hoping Sky will want to do a spin-off of said “Burst” couple. Together 24 hours a day, things that make Freud come alive at the mere thought. Taking notes. However, not seeing them play in the finals (or even semifinals) is a mortal sin. They had earned more than many others who instead retired. Excluded by the newlyweds as “too scary”. A medal for bravery.

The Mediterranean, Prezia and Stramare common (and perfidious) unknown: vote 4.5

If the lawyer Demichelis established his own reign of terror while he could, it was the Mediterranean countries that took the baton. Barbara Prezia and Carolina Stramare, among the shares “But who?!” They have not lacked inconveniences in this edition. They even managed to purposefully mislead the Sicilian couple, as if the Schillaci weren’t already phenomenal enough to disorient themselves. Above all, Prezia proved to be the true villain of all the competition: not only did she not know how to distinguish Nirvana from Metallica, but she also tried to spread discord everywhere she went. Even between the stainless couple of the newlyweds. So much so that Pellegrini gave her the answer that had all viewers poring over her address for several weeks: “Bella, look, if you keep this up, I’ll drop you another four inches.” Being a born arsonist and raised arsonist was enough in Prezia a puff of wind to ignite the fires of sterile and harassing controversy. However, at least he has proven that he has a personality. Not dissimilar to that of Morgan on the Sanremo 2020 stage, but definitely a personality. The same cannot be said of her “bugo”, Carolina Stramare: just as useful as Giuseppe Giofrè on the Amici 22 jury, the former Miss Italy from the X-Files came into play and decided to remain so. Perhaps overwhelmed by her traveling companion’s explosive excesses, she was the quintessence of the beautiful statuette. Too bad Beijing Express isn’t Madame Tussauds though.

The Sicilians, the guardian angels we would all like to have: Voice 8.5

Diesel parties, frankly, never really got started. If we are to rely on survival skills, the Totò and Barbara Schillaci spouses were bad travelers. The conductor Costantino Della Gherardesca at one point had to remind a confused Schillaci that there was indeed a competition at stake. Among other things, he seemed to be a competitor himself. The couple, who couldn’t speak a word of English, only reached the semifinals thanks to pounding hearts and good feelings. They even took the activists under their wing and behaved as if they were real family. Fabrizio and Soleri retaliated by ‘accidentally’ stealing a pass from under their noses. “Five minutes with Barbara and Totò and all the stress of the day has passed,” said the Divine Federica Pellegrini after suffering an ankle injury. And indeed, that was a bit the role of the Sicilian couple: that of guardian angels. As the eternal last to watch over the penultimate, they managed as well as they could, but always proved very helpful. On Saturn, compared to the reality editors, it was nice to see that there’s still someone in the world who can act on behalf of the most dispassionate charity. Totò’s bad English will remain in the annals of the series (“Iu no men!”), but so will Barbara’s tenacity, who, in order to continue, managed to collect giant crabs with her bare hands. While her husband, weakened by a tumor that attacked him last year, sang lullabies to the tarantulas. Maybe they lasted too long in the race, but they did everyone’s hearts good. If you’re not an instant saint, at least an honorary mascot.

The Educated, Petolicchio and Di Piero were eliminated early: Voice 7

Who knows how much joy they would have given them if they had only had the opportunity. Math teacher Angela Petolicchio and star student Andrea Di Piero, straight from the reality show Il Collegio, were this issue’s “Il” articles. But that’s not all: she’s tired but more lively than a hyperactive ferret, he’s the first contestant in Beijing Express history to appear in the game in a suit and tie (because he’s seeking the presidency of the Senate). . Fantastic while they lasted. Eliminated by the activists’ unfortunate pairing, the unlikely duo had demonstrated a determination that was sure to go the distance. In all likelihood even from the finish line. Petolicchio, for example, tired of looking in vain for a place to stay for the night, guarded a convenience store, entering it at closing time and practically inhabiting it until the next morning, forcing the owner’s son to go through the multiplication table. Even the concierge, a memorable doubt from the prof: “Is it possible that the lawyer Demichelis has bad breath?” I don’t understand why he always has his ass in his mouth otherwise. Yummy. When it came time to pack – we repeat: too soon – she burst into genuine tears and took on all the “debts”. She was sorry because she wished that young Di Piero could live this experience longer. He immediately soothed her soul: “Angela has an energy charge that often exceeds mine.” We will especially remember her when she reached the goal and Costantino asked if it was a hallucination. fantastic.

Enzo and Costantino, a conducting for two (?): vote 6-

“We’re going to be extremely awkward hosts, like everyone else on TV,” is Costantino Della Gherardesca’s biting declaration of intent at the beginning of the first episode. It’s a shame that we saw Enzo Miccio in particular at the front. In fact, 50% of reality show management have retired and are trapped in the role of the occasional storyteller. If the show is still in good — that is, cruel — hands, as we’ve pointed out, I’m sorry. Sorry because Beijing Express has been Costantino Della Gherardesca for over a decade and his voiceovers are absent from the Via delle Indie without detracting from those of his new colleague. Miccio is perfect when it comes to ruthlessness, but he still has a lot of muesli to swallow under the mark before he achieves maestro fame. And then he’s always exaggerated, very excited, tarantolato. Contrasted with the peaceful and seraphic stillness from which “Costa” throws its terrible, and for that very reason endearing, daggers at the traveller’s address. If it’s true that there were little revelations of the good old days with corresponding scathing interventions (e.g. the subtle but sublime investigation into whether or not the marriage was “consummated” by the newlyweds), then we would next year rather not do Hear the lack of Constantine. It would be possible?

The Vergassola hypochondriacs are the only mere mortals, the two of us: rating 7.5

Short but intense. The good version of the mother-son couple Colombari-Costacurta lasted as long as a cat on the ring road on the Beijing Express. Dario and Caterina Vergassola couldn’t go on for more than two episodes. And indeed, in the second moment it was already time to put the backpack back on and go home. Shame in its own way. We’ve seen them throw crap at a wall to respect a traditional auspicious custom, and we’re sure the comedian’s wild quips would have been an excellent counterpoint to the entire issue. It’s just a pity that ours wasn’t exactly suitable for such an extreme travel experience: “It’s not that I’m afraid,” he says, “I really invented fear.” And then he talks about his first trip with his wife : “She looked up the hotels we would be staying in, I checked if they were close enough to a hospital.” Proud of having instilled “a sense of the uncertainty of life” in his daughter, it would have been very funny seeing him collide with the other couples’ will to win through jokes. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. However, it’s always comforting to see someone who isn’t even trying to be a hero. Hypochondriacs, two of us.