Bellator 276 is set to take place TODAY (Saturday, March 12, 2022) at the Family Arena in St. Louis, MO, hosting a featherweight bout between top contenders Adam Boriks and Mads Burnell, who currently share the titles. 2nd place in the official ranking. In the co-main event, former light heavyweight champion Phil Davis will take on Julius Anglicas.
The Bellator 276 main card will air on Showtime at 6:00 pm ET, while the “Prelims” undercard will begin at 9:00 pm ET right here. will provide the results for the full card and detailed coverage of the TV portion of Bellator 276 below.
Many readers drop in before, during, and after fights to share their thoughts on everything going on. Feel free to leave comments (or 276) about the fights and chat with all the other Maniacs during the show – it’s always a lot of fun!
145 lbs: Adam Borics vs. Mads Burnell
205 lbs: Phil Davis vs. Julius Anglikas
185 pounds: John Salter against Johnny Eblen – Eblen by unanimous decision
155 lbs: JJ Wilson vs. Gadzhi Rabadanov – Rabadanov by unanimous decision
205 pounds: Alex Polizzi against. Jose Augusto – Polizzi by submission (rear naked choke)
185 pounds: Romero Cotton vs. Freddy Sandoval – Cotton by TKO in the first round (punches)
125 pounds: Diana Avsaragova vs. Kira Batara – Avsaragova by unanimous decision
145 pounds: Cody Lowe against. James Adcock – Law via KO in the first round (punches)
170 pounds: Roman Faraldo against. Kelvin Rayford – Faraldo via TKO in the first round (punches)
135 pounds: Jordan Howard against. Trevor Ward – Howard by TKO in the second round (punches)
185 lbs: Nico Alcaraz vs. Stanton Catcherside – Alcaraz via second round submission (americana)
Adam Boriks against. Mads Burnell
Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4:
Round 5:
Final result:
Phil Davis against. Julius Anglikas
Round 1: Anglicas throws a solid jab. Davis’ right hand. Davis shoots a takedown and it’s a scarecrow. Good start for the British. The high kick hits Davis. Straight right center for Davis. Anglicas is light on his feet, Davis with a double jab. Englishmen with a clean right hand. Davis double jab hit the body. Anglikas blows from the right above. Low kick from Davis’ touchdown, another one. Anglikas punches right in the center. Shot in the body from Davis. Davis fires a takedown and he gets it. Lateral control for Davis. The British are trying to escape. Davis delivers several knees to Davis’ stomach. The English are trying to get up, but that’s easier said than done against a powerful fighter like Davis. 10-9 Davis
Round 2:
Round 3:
Final result:
John Salter against Johnny Eblen
Round 1: Touching gloves. Salter with a low kick, Eblen landing with a hard right hand. Caviar kick from Eblen’s landing. Salter with a jab, connects. Another low-kick goes to Eblen. Salter throws a beautiful backhand, Eblen throws and delivers a takedown. Salter shoots the arm triangle and it stabs. Eblen is trying hard to slip out, yes. Closed guard now for Eblen. Salter kills Eblen with headshots. Eblen with a huge elbow strike from the top position. Eblen does little with this position. Salter tries to work, but Eblen just chokes him. Shots in the ear from Salter. Eblen readies himself to try and unload the attack, but doesn’t go. Eblen seems to be pleased with just neutralizing Salter for now. 10-9 Eblen
Round 2: A left hook lands in Eblen’s hands, followed by a low kick. Salter attempts a right hand but hits Eblen’s glove. Good straight forehand for Eblen. A kick to the body from Eblen. Salter with right top. Eblen’s hard blow to the body, a loud thud. Salter starts to back off a bit and Eblen picks up the pace, increasing the intensity. Double jab from Eblen. A caviar kick from Salter. Salter wants a takedown, but Eblen is moving very well, not standing still at all. Eblen shoots and delivers a takedown to the cage. Eblen pins Salter to the cage, and Salter manages to escape. Action back to feet. Eblen is still doing the lockout. A good body shot from Eblen followed by another powerful body shot, Salter felt it. Salter knees, low blow. Eblen takes no time to recover. The action resumes, Eblen delivers a high-kick, blocks. Round up. 10-9 Eblen
Round 3: A good shot right in the middle from Eblen. Salter counters with a left hook Salter throws a few high kicks, but there’s absolutely nothing behind them. Eblen sneaks with his left hand. The right to the body from Salter, then Eblen responds with the right to his body. Good overhand to the right of Salter. Solid right hand down to the middle, then the body from Eblen. The counter is to the left of Salter. Salter blows an overhand right, Eblen chases, and he lands a hard left hook. The high kick falls into Eblen’s hands. Eblen looks great in the third and final round. Two minutes before the end of the fight. Salter needs to finish. Eblen pins Salter to the cage, tries with one leg. Eblen gets a takedown, it should be a game, set, match for Eblen if Salter can’t come back. Eblen in side control delivers a powerful elbow strike and another. Dominant performance from Eblen. 10-9 Eblen.
Final Result: Eblain defeated Salter via unanimous decision.
JJ Wilson vs. Gadzhi Rabadanov
Round 1: Wilson starts with a turnaround, Rabadanov responds with a selling left hand. Wilson with a low kick, check. Double jab from Rabadanov. Violent blow with Wilson’s feces. Pressing Rabadanov, jab. shot in the body. Wilson fires back with another low kick. Rabadanov is looking for space, the right overhand almost misses Wilson. Hick misses Wilson. Rabadanov is waiting for the opening, makes a low-kick. Another spinning backfist from Wilson. The jab from Rabadanov and Wilson landed a body kick followed by a left hook. Rabadanov steps back for a second. Return to the center of the cage. Wilson is the third time in the first round he works with a rotating fist, I don’t know why. 10-9 Wilson
Round 2: Body punch from Wilson, Rabadanov goes for a takedown, stuffed. WIson’s jab pushes Rabadnov to the cage and briefly delivers a takedown. Caviar from Wilson, Rabadano with a strike to the middle. Rabadanov with a good jab, Wilson tries to answer with his left hand. Nice right hand from Wilson. Rabadanov goes for a takedown and gets it. Half-guard of Rabadonov. Body shots, Wilson tries to shoot from behind, to no avail. Wilson struggles to get back upstairs. Rabadanov has a good position and does not let go. Rabadanov strikes a pose and throws a couple of punches from the top position, ending the round. 10-9 Rabadanov
Round 3: Wilson quickly takes the center of the cage. A kick in the body from Wilson. A caviar blow from Rabadanov. Rabadanov digs deeper and picks up Wilson to land a powerful takedown. Well done! Rabadanon seeks a rear naked choke, this gives Wilson an opportunity to escape. Wilson unleashes a three-hit combo, hitting nothing accurately. Rabdanov kicks the knee. Rabadanov makes another takedown and gets it. A midfielder looking for a position to land some shots. An upstroke in Wilson’s favour, misses, and now Rabadanov takes his back. Wilson rolls over, trying to escape, but Rabadanov is in perfect control of the situation. Wilson looks for a submission but can’t get it. Rabadanov landed several blows to the back of the ear and Wilson fired at the triangle, didn’t go. Wilson continues to work, he needs to finish Hail Mary here. Doesn’t understand because time is running out. 10-9 Rabadanov
Final Result: Rabadanov defeated Wilson via unanimous decision.
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