Benedetta Rossi –
He cares a lot, so much that part of his serenity depends on him. But unfortunately he is not feeling well and they have to say goodbye to him soon.
She cares about him very much, so much She cannot accept the fact that she will have to say goodbye to him soon. But unfortunately there is nothing to doEven the experts have lost hope.
Also The analyzes they carried out on him speak for themselves. Soon he will be gone because there is no chance of him recovering.
Both Benedetta and her husband Marco therefore have to Start getting used to the idea of his absence. It won't be easy for her considering he played a really important role in her life. Just think about it They chose the house they live in now because they immediately fell in love with it. It will be really hard to say goodbye to him.
This is particularly true for Benedetta, who, among other things, Sometimes he can't even sleep at night to make sure he's okay. She's really attached to him, so much so that it's almost time He will take its shoots and plant them to make it grow. It is the only consolation in this ugly matter.
A boundless love for nature
This despair is yet another Proof of how much Benedetta and her husband Marco are nature lovers. They have a deep love for her and the animals. This is demonstrated by They had a strong bond with the dogs they had, namely Nuvola and ClouD
When Nuvola died, part of her heart broke. Not resisting the thought of living without a tail-wagging animal in their home, they took Cloud with them, with whom they are now deeply in love. He didn't replace Nuvola, but he brought some serenity to their hearts. Even the new plant won't replace the huge tree in her home, but its growth certainly won't be any comfort to her.
Benedetta Rossi TV –
A very painful and green farewell
Anyone who is sick is not humandifferent than you might think, but another living creature, namely the plant that Benedetta and Marco have in front of their house. They are so close to him that they even had him undergo a CT scan to check his health, but it didn't bring any good news.
Unfortunately The stem of the plant is hollow and will therefore soon dry out completely. In fact, the technicians advised him to do so Collect the shoots and replant them because there is no way to save the tree, but they can still grow the new plant. As TuttoNotizie reports, regarding the tree, Rossi admitted: “The technicians gave us bad news, which is that sooner or later this tree will no longer be there.”