Benedict XVI the great defender of the faith but also

Benedict XVI, the great defender of the faith but also of the West

The crisis of Christianity at the heart of the crisis of the West, of the minority church, of Europe, of the alliance between the Enlightenment society and that of faith, the state which is not the totality of human existence. The impressive teachings of Pope Ratzinger

The amazing life of Joseph Ratzingereven for unbelievers, featured an incredible and endless summary of lessons, teachings, ideas and suggestions relevant not only to the evangelical defense of the faith but also to another very difficult navigation such as that to which he was so devoted, attention was useful for orientation Benedict XVI during his papacy: the defense of the West. In this sense, a passage of the papacy from B-XVI that suddenly struck many lay people was the one that became clear one morning in September 2009, precisely on September 28, when Benedict XVI. made his own thoughts on a famous philosopher of English history called Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975), therefore decided to answer a question from a journalist on the flight to the Czech Republic.

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